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  Анкета за предвидувањa - UEFA Euro 2024

Анкета за предвидувањa
This is the right place for showing off your skills in predicting results and also for competing with other managers. It is very simple, you have to predict the winner or the tie. Sign up and win attractive prizes!
Специјална награда е подготвена за победникот (победниците) на овој натпревар во предвидување - освоениот трофеј во профилот на менаџерот Донацијата за наградното влечење е 2500 кредити.Ќе добиете по еден поен за секое точно предвидување.

Sponsor of the pool: Dario&PPS, ferrri, cd008, wannes88, vivizinha44, nmsc, caiocullen, pluppy, JohnDragon, leonidas2, Kurt LeBeau, Cerber88 & Marinko1989


Only users registered at PowerPlay Manager may enter a prediction pool. Under certain circumstances the pool may be open to users only from a certain country or for users fulfilling other conditions determined by the operator. Apart from that, there are no other conditions or entry fees for entering a prediction pool. Pool ranking The pool ranking is determined by two indicators. The main one is the number of correct predictions. Some pools may apply a special tie-breaking procedure based on the point column. These points are calculated in the following way: You get 1,000 points for each correct prediction plus a number of points equal to the percentage of users with a wrong prediction multiplied by 10. For each incorrect prediction you lose number of points equal to the percentage of users with the same prediction multiplied by 10. Essentially this means that predicting a result that was unexpected is more valuable than predicting a result that was expected by many. Prizes for winners The best users will receive prizes in every prediction pool. The prizes for any given pool are always stated in the pool details and they may include the following: Trophy in the manager profile PPM team will create a special trophy for some prediction pools, which will then appear in the profile of the winning manager. The trophy will always be awarded to the manager with the highest score. If there are more managers with the highest score, they will all be awarded with the trophy. Gift items In some pools the prizes may include gift items from our partners. Partner, which is presenting the prizes, is entitled to have special requirements on the winners and the prizes may be given out specifically based on partner's requirements. For example, the prize will not be given to the most successful user because the partner has decided to reward the 5 best users from a country of partner's choice. In such case the ranking of users in this country will be made separately. If there are more than 5 users with the best score, the winners will be drawn from this group. If there are 5 or less users with the best score, all of them will be rewarded and the rest of the prizes will be given out to the runners-up. Кредити In some pools, the best will be rewarded with credits sponsored by PowerPlay Manager or other sponsor of the pool.