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  PowerPlay Списание

Hvad kommer der til at ske med PPM her fra?

Hej venner

Jeg skriver til jer, i lidt dårligt humør i dag. Vi har analyseret projektet i dybden og resultatet er, at tiderne er mere kritiske end de var for få år siden og det har i høj grad, effekt på projektets funktionsdygtighed. Grundet finanskrisen har reklamepladserne for vores hjemmeside været næsten umulige at sælge. Vi har finansieret projektet i næsten 3 år, fra vores egen lomme og det er klart, at vi ikke vil have mulighed for at fortsætte uden finansiel støtte udefre.

Vi har for nylig lanceret den fulde version af spillet, med PRO funktioner og det står nu klart, at uden et tilstrækkeligt altal af PRO pakke ejere, vil spillet ikke kunne overleve på længere sigt. Den første måned var ikke så slem set fra dette synspunkt, men antallet stoppede med at vokse og nu har vi omkring 6% PRO pakke ejere. Men problemet er et andet sted. Størstedelen af managers aktiverer PRO pakken for en kort periode og derfor vil pengene vi får ind ikke være tilstrækkelige. I øjeblikket arbejder vi på de sidste funktioner for hockey, men vi er allerede begyndt at udvikle fodbold. Tro mig når jeg siger, at udgifterne til alt dette er ret høje.

What does this all imply? For those who like this game I felt obliged to give you this information so that you know where we stand with the project. If you really like the game and you want it to survive and to play other sports you can decide whether or not to support us and help with the project funding. Each one of you can make the judgement whether the fun and the time spent here is worth it and the whole project is in your hands.

Another way to help us is propagation. Our numbers have stopped growing in recent weeks and are even on a slow decline. If the game was played by more managers, it would be easier to sell advertisements and it would probably also help our financial situation. It would also be easier to agree on partnerships with important websites. Therefore we would like to turn to all our supporters with plea for help. If you enjoy playing PowerPlay Manager and you want to help, you can recommend the game to your friends or propagate us in other ways. If you have contacts with some websites where PowerPlay Manager could have an advertisement and you can arrange it, please contact us at support@powerplaymanager.com. We will appreciate any kind of help and we hope that we will be able to stabilize the finances and increase the number of managers as soon as possible.

With regards,

Ivan alias tuttle

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