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  Assunto: Senior NT Discussion - Ireland ONLY


The most important thing right now is trying to get the managers behind the NT.

This season the energy for the NT will be independent from the energy in each team, so all managers can use their players as much as they want and that will not hamper the players performance in the NT.


I have been invited, and gladly accepted, the invitation as assistant NT manager.

I would like to urge all managers to unite around the NT, and help lo2010 make this a very successful season, and the beginning of the Irish NT climb.

In order to help you can do 1 of 2 things:
1. Update your players in the database (nt-hockey.czechppm.cz/ire... )
2. Send us the link to the player you believe is a good choice for the NT, and we will scout him (you can send it either to lo2010 or myself)

These are the minimum requirements we are looking for (for your reference PS is primary skill, SS is secondary skills and CL is career longevity):

Type 1 players (are ready to play in the next WC)
Goalies: PS > 400, SS > 200
Defenders: PS > 280, SS > 140, AGG > 130
Wingers: PS > 280, SS > 140, SHO > 180
Centers: PS > 300, SS > 150, SHO > 150

Type 2 players (have high potential for future)
Goalies: PS > 300, SS > 150, CL > 4
Defenders: PS > 260, SS > 130, AGG > 130, CL > 4
Wingers: PS > 260, SS > 130, SHO > 100, CL > 4
Centers: PS > 260, SS > 130, SHO > 100, CL > 4


Good luck to both of you. The hardest thing will be convince most managers to participate. My opinion, but it was seen on elections. Only 9 votes is even worse than I expected :)


How about we set up some sort of NT committee.
I can open a new thread for this.

That way we can assess current managers, and ensure we select a candidate in the future without upsets.

I think as a community in the Irish leagues we could do alot more collectively.

What do you all think?


But can you say how many people are coming to discussion? I thing this could be a problem.


I can ask via pm to the most successful/most knowledgable managers.


Keeping the forums active is a good way to go as well, because users that see new messages regularly will come back more often.


One thing that really made my mouth drop was seeing only 26 players on the NT, and only 3 defenders. Who on his right mind would do something like that?

This season will be like starting from 0. Forget the fact it's a small community, and a small league, when managers don't care about the NT it will not prosper.

And let's not concentrate on the fact there are few active managers, instead let's focus on the few that are active and start from there.


Once we start moving others will follow :), I'm sure of it.


Look i'm happy to chat and talk and I have tried to do so in the irish I.1 forum. I support any conversation we can get going here to build a community and make the game more social. Lets face it a lot of the teams will peak in the next couple of seasons and will have nothg left to build and upgrade so you need another aspect to the game to keep you here or it will get boring.

Unfortunately the last national team manager didn't engage with the community for whatever reason (no point in getting into it as whats done is done) so no one really cared. That's why I think if someone wants my vote they need to be here all season and interact as best they can by being supportive and constructive. Getting behind the manager. This wasn't happening when Emerald was manager of the national team as he interacted with the community here but it deterioated as there was only criticism. No support so I just stopped reading the NT forum. It seemed everyting that was said was just an attempt to bring it all down. I think Emerald did a good job and I thank him for his contribution. It wasn't perfect but he tried and did a better job than I or most others would have. When he screwed up he admitted it and went on.

Now we have lo2010 who I believe was the manager of the Assassins way back when before they foldered for whatever reason. They were a good team and still would be one of the best in the country if still going. I hope he is good at what he does and I guess we will see. He is the manager so good luck to him. I hope he continues to engage here. If not whoever is talking here will get my vote next season.


And it's having that in mind that I urge all that want to make this a more active community to give it another shot.

I for one am committed in helping the Irish PPM community achieving that goal.


I want to say something. until there are not primitive things like roster before the game, changes in representation, express coach after the match. so then we can talk further


I was the coach. so these things I did. I need to join the competition ....


Please explain what you mean when you say:

-"roster before the game"
-"changes in representation"
-"express coach after the match"


list of players before the game
interview with the coach after the game
changes in the Irish national team

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