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  Assunto: Senior NT Discussion - Ireland ONLY


I agree 100% that it is wrong to forget young players.

It's vital that youth be given a place in the squad and early in their careers and not only when they overtake someone else.

And Cav - I agree fully with the notion that the youn players of today will still not be the strongest until a handful of Irelands top teams, at least, have lvl 15 TC & regen.

But right now, thats in the distant future.


understand that but if their OR is 800 vs 500 then it will take over 3 seasons to catch up. By that time someone could be drafted that may be a better youngest than the 500 guy and should be playing in the team. Thus u have reduced the team strength to gain chemistry on a guy that may only play 1 season.

All im saying is be careful with those types of decisions.


This generation of players, I'm afraid, won't play such long. Most of them are raised from the begining of PPM when they came to teams with OR aroung 100 and training facilities were on low levels.

17 or 18 years old players, who came with SA and TF at 9 or higher level have more potential then these 23/24 years old


There's 50 spots in the NT, only 28 of which will receive the training bonus. That means that you can have 25 players gaining chemistry for the world cup, and 25 players getting the extra training bonus during the week.

But if the same happens here as with Portugal, where from the 30 players I initially selected for the WC only 2 had a CL <3, there's really not much point in keeping younger players in the NT except for future reference.

And when those better young players start showing up they will start replacing the older ones as their CL get's lower, and benefiting from the training bonus without affecting the NT team

I offer to build a team that will get stronger every season, by using the strongest and searching for the youngest, but always thinking about the WC, not the U21.


totaly agree to guys who think that in NT need to play best players whose will be at season end not in future after 3-4 seasons. trainer is elected only for 1 season and if you fail, next one will step in and all work will be needed to start from begining.

p.s. really dislike current coach attitude to get advantage of selling player with nt flag.


Yeah, it's downright abuse of the NT... and he had the cheek of accusing me of playing my players only to sell them in the future.
I wonder if he actually thought that MY players were some of the best in the league, I think he may have missed the fact I won the league with those players 3 seasons in a row!!

He has a terrible attitude and he has not once come on here to explain the situation with the NT for the world cup.. I'm not even gonna start talking about the line-ups he used.... brutal!

Horrible appointment.


As for the future - We clearly need someone who knows what they're doing!


thats downside of small community... you can elect people who clearly isnt right choice for spot and worst thing is that he can be elected next elections also becouse ireland forum isnt activ and you can win elections with votes from very few people.


oh btw you also need to take some responsibilty from this Ireland NT failure... chemistry loss clearly weakened team. atleast irish community can hope that noone will ever do that again :P

or make suggestion in suggestion thread that only elected coach has 1 week time to kick players out. after wc old trainer cant do this task anymore :D


I take full responsibility in the loss of chemistry, absolutely no problem there.

Look at the formations and lines in the NT games in the WC, the decisions make no sense.

Like playing your strongest attack in the 4th line with only 15/20 minutes on ice.
It doesn't matter about chemistry if you play like this - you will always be beaten.

And one more thing - when I took over we had no chemistry either - yet we finished with more points and a hell of lot less goals conceded.

It is possible to do well with 0 chemistry at the start of a season - I know this. :)


yea, its not like i would ever do with lines... cant say more becosue i have only half of team scouted :D early was litle more interested in Ireland NT.

anyways gl next seasons. i see only 2 real candidates for spot of nt coach - Kityusz and latvian dude :D ok, could count also candite from second tier league. but there is one big disadvantage to him... he hasnt achieved a thing. team is pretty rubish (no offence just my opinion).


Yeah - I would prefer a much more experienced manager.


Any reason why you don't consider me a real candidate? The 2 you mention have the know how of the game, but have they ever managed a NT?

You may think that managing a NT is the same as managing a team, but let me tell you, the last 2 seasons ahead of the Portuguese NT has taught me differently.

Just curious!


i would consider running if i had more time to devote to it. But alas this last season and this next season i do not. Maybe the season after.

I will spend this season scouting the rest of the ireland players i havent already scouted and might try and post a wrap of each game so should be able to help if needed just couldnt put in the required effort to run it.

Hoping my adopted NT (since the OW doesnt have one) goes much better next season.


he he, you also are good choice. i was looking at positions yesterday and i know how elections work... if you are too much down in a list there is absolutley no chance to win this election and yesterday you were pretty far down :D


dam :D

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