Upravené znenie:
1. Reklama na hráča/zamestnanca musí byť napísaná normálnym písmom bez Caps Locku. Pre umiestňovanie reklamy sa môžu používať písmena abecedy,číslice,aktívne linky na hráčov/zamestnancov a interpunkčné znamienka,ktoré sa môžu používať iba individuálne a neopakovane. Pre použitie ostatných špeciálnych znakov platí obmedzenie troch znakov kumulatívne na jeden príspevok.
2. Reklama na viacerých hráčov/zamestnancov musí byť umiestnená v jednom príspevku a nie zvlášť každý hráč/zamestnanec v novom príspevku.
3. Reklama na hráča/zamestnanca môže byť umiestnená aj vtedy, keď hráč/zamestnanec nie je preskúmaný. Manažér nie je povinný uvádzať preskúmané hodnoty hráča.
4. Reklama na hráča/zamestnanca musí byt uvedená v celom linku alebo s použitím špeciálnych znakov (čiže iba meno hráča/zamestnanca). Manažér k reklame na hráča môže pridať svoj komentár.
5. V niektorých krajinách reklama hráčov a zamestnancov je rozdelená do jednotlivých tém. Také témy musia mať okrem národného názvu aj anglický názov (premenovanie tém majú na starosti MOD-i) tak, aby pre zahraničných manažérov bolo jasné, pre akú reklamu (zamestnancov alebo hráčov) je téma určená.
6. Reklama na hráča/zamestnanca musí byť umiestnená v témach špeciálne na to určených na viacerých národných diskusiách, bez ohľadu na to, či sú to krajiny hovoriace po nemecky (napr. Švajčiarsko, Nemecko, Rakúsko), po francúzsky, alebo anglicky hovoriace krajiny, a takáto reklama nie je považovaná za spam.
7. Je povolená reklama na hráča/zamestnanca raz za 24 hodín v tej istej krajine a v tej istej téme.
8. Všetky témy spojene s reklamou na hráča/zamestnanca musia okrem názvu v národnom jazyku obsahovať aj názov v angličtine.
9. Reklama na hráča/zamestnanca v témach špeciálne na to určených je považovaná za spam:
- keď sa opakuje viackrát na jednej strane témy
- keď je umiestnená viackrát v tej istej téme určitej krajiny v priebehu 24 hodín.
- keď v téme pre reklamu hráča je umiestnená reklama na zamestnanca a opačne
- pri reklame hráča/zamestnanca boli použité veľké písmená alebo špeciálne znaky.
10. Reklama na hráča / zamestnanca nesmie obsahovať dva alebo viac po sebe idúcich prázdnych riadkov.
Selecione um país: |
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Eslováquia |

1. Player/staff member ads must be written in normal letters without Caps Lock. Player ads can be written using letters of the alphabet, numerals, player/employee active links and punctuation marks, which can be only used individually and without any repetitions. The use of other special characters/symbols is subject to the restriction of three symbols cumulatively per post at the maximum.
2. Advertising multiple players/staff members must be done in only one; players/staff members must not be advertised in multiple posts (e.g. one post per sale).
3. Ads can be placed even if the player/staff member is not scouted. Manager doesn’t have to provide scouted qualities as it is currently practiced in some countries.
4. Ads must be entered as a full link or with the use of special tags (when only the name appears as a clickable link). The manager may add a comment to the ad.
5. In some countries there are separate threads for players and staff members. Such threads must have both local and English name (MODs can rename the threads if necessary), so that foreign managers know where to post their ads.
6. Ads can be placed in designated topics in multiple national forums regardless of whether they use the same language (such as German in Germany, Switzerland and Austria). Posting ads in multiple countries is not considered as spamming.
7. One ad every 24 hours in the same country/thread is allowed.
8. All threads related to market advertising must have a title in both local and English language.
9. Advertising in designated threads is considered as spam:
- if it appears more than once on the same page,
- if it appears in the same thread/country more than once within 24 hours,
- if capital letters or special symbols are used in the ad.
10. Ads must not contain two or more consecutive empty lines.
2. Advertising multiple players/staff members must be done in only one; players/staff members must not be advertised in multiple posts (e.g. one post per sale).
3. Ads can be placed even if the player/staff member is not scouted. Manager doesn’t have to provide scouted qualities as it is currently practiced in some countries.
4. Ads must be entered as a full link or with the use of special tags (when only the name appears as a clickable link). The manager may add a comment to the ad.
5. In some countries there are separate threads for players and staff members. Such threads must have both local and English name (MODs can rename the threads if necessary), so that foreign managers know where to post their ads.
6. Ads can be placed in designated topics in multiple national forums regardless of whether they use the same language (such as German in Germany, Switzerland and Austria). Posting ads in multiple countries is not considered as spamming.
7. One ad every 24 hours in the same country/thread is allowed.
8. All threads related to market advertising must have a title in both local and English language.
9. Advertising in designated threads is considered as spam:
- if it appears more than once on the same page,
- if it appears in the same thread/country more than once within 24 hours,
- if capital letters or special symbols are used in the ad.
10. Ads must not contain two or more consecutive empty lines.
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