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He's back He's been on vacation. He'll get things sorted soon.
20,000 screaming fans showed up at The Squirrel Cage to see the Atomics knock off the Bruin All-Stars. Aww yeah.
Damn. Blitzkrieg are MIA as well. 14 days since he logged in. jimrtex recently signed in to save the Piggly Wigglys. But that's the top two teams in the league. This pretty much busts things wide open for the Butter Knives.
If it was a strong correlation between logging in and winning, I should be undefeated since starting this game, ha ha ha ha
I have this sneaking suspicion someone will log in tonight, put all their best players in, and jack themselves up to high, also my team will pull a Sami Salo.
I have a feeling nobody is walking out of this season without at least a couple losses.
How we pulled that off today I have no idea. I figured my team destined for mediocre this season.
Your team is better, right? And you best me in our last 3 friendlies! Why so surprised?
I guess the fact that you beat Boston and making a solid run in the beginning, I thought you were sandbagging me in the friendly games.
Nope. No sandbagging. I haven't changed my hockey lineup in years
Wow.. Burton folded. That was a great team to just abandon. Definitely weakens our league.
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