LOL, little did Mr. Dupa know that the Burton Blitzkreig's coach went on a wild cocaine and alcohol induced trip to Vegas for the season.
I do enjoy having the league be competitive though. I just wish the city of Detroit was as "flush with cash" as the city of... Butter?
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AH... well I wish being a slacker was smooth. We're in the red over here (and not just the jerseys)
I have more cash in Handball.... Ugggh.. This year has been tough. This waiting and waiting and waiting to build the arena and falling behind on players and facilities sucks.... Must remain patient.... PPM Patient Patient Management.
Same here. Of course everything in hockey is expensive since facilities are level 10+, stadium is 3 level seating, etc.
Playing penskid's Buffalo team today and I notice that he's MIA once again. Last login on 9/2. What does he have 21 days before he loses his team? I think that's how long you have without a ProPack. He's got 5 left. And still no U20 assistant named. It's looking pretty bad right now.
So is there anyway to add an Asst to the team and hopefully have the asst run the team if he's MIA?
I sent him an email last night that said if he gets on to just name me assistant just in case he disappears again. Even if he actually sticks around long enough to get the team in order and finds someone who he really wants as an assistant, I wouldn't care if he replaced me. I just don't like the idea of us not having a manager in the WC.
Of course, I told him that at the end of August, as well. That time he replied saying he was back from vacation and was ready to take care of things.
dupa, there's no way to get an assistant added without penskid. And if/when he loses his team, we are left without an U20 manager. PPM will not replace him or add an assistant. They put the fault squarely on the voters.
Of course, I told him that at the end of August, as well. That time he replied saying he was back from vacation and was ready to take care of things.
dupa, there's no way to get an assistant added without penskid. And if/when he loses his team, we are left without an U20 manager. PPM will not replace him or add an assistant. They put the fault squarely on the voters.
Not much is really happening. With the exception of the Butter Knives choking away their lead, nothing has changed in the standings very much for the last two weeks.
I guess we should thank kenfury for choking those games away. It really tightened things up for everyone else
I guess we should thank kenfury for choking those games away. It really tightened things up for everyone else
Unfortunately I've had life stuff going on and have not been as active as I should have been. The worst example was today though when I left my B team in for a real game. On the bright side by not buying player of building anything the cash flow is looking really good for next year.
Darn. I went for it on High vs the Pigs, but his monster goalie stopped 43 of 44 shots. Lost in the 6th round of the shootout.
And the Stampede are officially manager-less, but penskid is still manager of the U20 team. Does anyone know if he will remain manager of the U20 team indefinitely?
And the Stampede are officially manager-less, but penskid is still manager of the U20 team. Does anyone know if he will remain manager of the U20 team indefinitely?
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