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  PowerPlay Magazine

Sponsor's offers - assumption on how are these offers calculated

Sponsor's offers - assumption on how are these offers calculated


Before we start I need to tell you that this article is not an official statement of a PPM team member but just some assumptions.


At the end of every season we can read on every country forums same questions:

‘Is anything wrong with the sponsor’s offers? I think it’s a bug. It’s impossible to promote to first league and receive such a low amount of money.’ Or..

‘How is it possible that user X receives more money than me and he’s playing in second league while I’m playing in first league?’ ..and so on…


Well, first of all, we need to stop comparing with other teams. Every sponsor offer is made individually, for each team, based on their performances from last 2 seasons. In order to understand why I’m saying this I will give you some examples.


If you remember, or if you’ll ask some new users, the sponsor offer from first season was around 150 – 200 000 weekly, but in next season, this sponsor offer, increased a lot (procentually). Why? Why top teams sponsor offers don’t increase so much either?

PPM guide says:

The amount of money you get from the general sponsor is influenced mainly by: the final ranking in the recently ended season, the overall team rating and the level of the human resources and economic department.

Let’s start with some math.


We have user X which creates team Hockey Club X. In the first season this team is playing in league IV, it has a 50 OTR and, of course, HR department at level 0. This team plays very well through the season and finish the PO on 5th place with a total of 25 wins. These 25 wins means like, let’s say 100 OTR points. Day 109 of the season brings the first sponsor offer. We all ask how the sponsors calculates this amount of money. Well, they are thinking like this:

‘So, this team has a 150 OTR, which means a 200% increase than in last season. Let’s give them 600 000 (200% than in last season). Wait, wait, wait! They finished on 5th place in PO? Let’s also give them a bonus of x% from last season amount and a y% bonus because they managed to increase the HR department to level 4. I think that 700 000 is enough for them. ’


Season 2 starts. OTR drops to 105.

Hockey Club X plays well and finishes again on 5th place in PO, with 25 wins (coincidence :D) but the HR department is increased to level 6. Again, 25 wins means like 100 OTR points. Day 109 comes, sponsors checks team performances and says:

‘So, this team has a 205 OTR. How much it increased than in last season? 95%. Hmmmm…Then let’s give them 1 170 000 which represent 95% than last season offer, without any bonus (600 000 + 95% = 1 170 000). Now, let’s give them a x% bonus for finishing on 5th place and also a z% bonus for having a level 6 HR department.’


After 7 seasons…

Hockey Club X manages to qualify in Champions League, where it is beaten in semifinals. He finishes the PO in the first places and HR department is increased to level 15. It has a 700 OTR and receives a 30 000 000 from sponsors (25 000 000 + 1 000 000 (bonus for PO place) + 1 000 000 (bonus for HR facility)).

In the next season, the OTR drops to 490. Hockey Club X sells his best players and has part of a disastrous season. With just 5 wins, our team finishes on 18th place. In the 109th day, the sponsor comes and says:

‘510 OTR? Oh my god, this means 27% less than in previous season. We will make than a lower offer, let’s say 18 250 000 (25 000 000 – 27%). Still, they played in first league and didn’t finished last so we can give them a bonus for their place, x%, but a low one and a y% for their HR facility. A total of 20 000 000 will be enough. ’


Now, considering what I said above, start make same calculations for your own team. 

Do we have a bug in the system?

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