Je deed hetzelfde als ik nu doe met deze matchen: 1 (zelfs meer) verklaring geven voor elke match afzonderlijk. En je hebt dan nog vanalles gezocht (spelersstatistieken en dergelijke) en niets gevonden, helaas dat je dan toch nog steeds gelooft dat er niets aan de hand is met de game engine.
En omdat ik nu hetzelfde doe als zovelen hebben gedaan in dit topic, maar van mij is het niet echt serieus is, is de toon nu verkeerd? Das ik die 'help' om hen te laten inzien dat je inderdaad elke match kan uitleggen.
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Het enige dat hier gebeurd is dat mensen het spel blijkbaar niet snappen en als mensen ze het proberen uit te leggen luisteren ze niet en blijven ze geloven in hun eigen gelijk, als het spel niet klopt wat doen die mensen hier dan nog? Ook mijn laatste in dit topic, huilt u gerust verder.
Ik dacht dat we ze al zouden gehad hebben, maar dit is toch wel de zieligste reactie in dit topic. Niet lezen, niet kritisch denken, onzin verkopen en problemen in het belachelijke trekken, ge moet in de politiek gaan!
kunnen we dit topic niet beter sluiten en de mensen die het willen bespreken maar lekker PM's naar elkaar gaan sturen,
dit topic begint uit de hand te lopen en velen nieuwe managers worden ontmoedigd.
dit topic begint uit de hand te lopen en velen nieuwe managers worden ontmoedigd.
ok jongens. n.a.v me wedstrijd vrijdag heb ik vlady een mail gestuurd. dit is zijn antwoord:
Hi Arno,
As you know this game is trying to simulate reality as close as possible. In reality you also have team who will be favorites to win games they might even dominate in these games and still lose them. Why? Because it happens in hockey. If we simulated 100 games between the two teams, perhaps you would win 70 but not this one. The role of the manager is to give the team the best chance to win. Nobody is guaranteed a victory though. Just like in real life. You still have to perform to win. And your players did not put the puck in the net as many times as the opponent. It's that simple.
Let me tell you something about the engine. You might have a wrong impression about it. Every single play during the game is calculated separately. That means that the players who are on the ice in the given moment determine the outcome of the play. For example, if there is a player who shoots at goal and he is equally good as the goalie, he has about 10% chance that he will score. But you cannot guarantee that in 1 game the goalie will stop 9 out of 10 shots from this player. He may easily give up 2 goals on 2 shots. You cannot make assumptions on such a small sample size as 1 game. This is a game of probabilities. Your job is to give your team the best chance to win. Not to win every game.
Hi Arno,
As you know this game is trying to simulate reality as close as possible. In reality you also have team who will be favorites to win games they might even dominate in these games and still lose them. Why? Because it happens in hockey. If we simulated 100 games between the two teams, perhaps you would win 70 but not this one. The role of the manager is to give the team the best chance to win. Nobody is guaranteed a victory though. Just like in real life. You still have to perform to win. And your players did not put the puck in the net as many times as the opponent. It's that simple.
Let me tell you something about the engine. You might have a wrong impression about it. Every single play during the game is calculated separately. That means that the players who are on the ice in the given moment determine the outcome of the play. For example, if there is a player who shoots at goal and he is equally good as the goalie, he has about 10% chance that he will score. But you cannot guarantee that in 1 game the goalie will stop 9 out of 10 shots from this player. He may easily give up 2 goals on 2 shots. You cannot make assumptions on such a small sample size as 1 game. This is a game of probabilities. Your job is to give your team the best chance to win. Not to win every game.
ik ben het gezeur zat! de engine zit goed in elkaar en we moeten elkaar geen verwijten geven! geniet van het spel en zie elke wedstrijd als een uitdaging!"
ik wil hem wel weer openen maar dan wil ik wel minimaal 8-10 mailtjes hebben van mensen die hem weer open willen hebben!
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