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  PowerPlay Magazine

Optimal Player Builds

Optimal Player Builds

Optimal player builds: one of, if not the holy grail sought after by ppm managers to gain an advantage over the competition.  Join us in this first of a multi-part series looking at player builds.

The first and most obvious and yet most overlooked or ignored point is that increasing a players attribute means the player is better at that skill.  Thus a player with 31 offense is better than a player with 30 offense given all other things being equal and a player with 300 offence is better still.

Now before you start bombarding me with mail saying im wrong, note that i am not saying that this is the most effective use of 300 skill points.  While a player with 300 offense and only 30 in the other attributes is definately not the best use of those 300 skill points, it is better than having only 30 in every attribute.

So the question is, how do you make the best use of the limited skill points that a player will gain through training?  If you had complete control over the distribution of the skill points where would you put them?
Would you only increase those attributes in the main bundles shown in the guide (eg Defenseman: Defence, Passing, Aggressiveness) or do you put points into other areas and in what ratios?  Let us know your initial thoughts.

I think it depends on 6 interconnected issues:
1) The optimum ratio for bundle attributes which is dependent on
2) The position of the player (eg wing) which impacts on
3) The optimum ratio of non-bundle attributes
4) The qualities of the players attributes
5) The players starting attribute levels
6) The style of play used (eg Offensive, Counterattacks)

Over the next few articles, we are going to dig a little deeper into some of these issues.  So stay tuned as we look at some of the basics of the bundle attribute ratios next.

If you have any theories you would like to share please dont hesitate to mail me or write them into an article for inclusion in the ppm magazine.  It would be great to have others points of view.

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