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  Asunto: Canada Senior NT Discussion

Persona cercana al equipo de PPM canucks357

We had the same issue before. I'll loop Vlady in.

Persona cercana al equipo de PPM canucks357

Asked Vlady. His reply:

I just checked and the voting was 6 to 1 in favor of dismissal.

He didn't know he was dismissed because is not from Canada and didn't get the news. I guess we didn't think of this possibility.


That's shocking to me. You're doing a great job. Can you get an application in for the coming election!?!

Traductor zoltank8

Thanks. I applied for the position again. We'll see.

Yesterday, the system said I couldn't so I thought all is fine.

Persona cercana al equipo de PPM canucks357

In the meantime, a Canadian manager has applied. Your odds of being re-elected are decreased as a result sadly. Hopefully your success and level of activity doesn't go unrecognized.

Traductor zoltank8

Never mind and thank you for your support.


Hi there! How are you? My name is Martin and I come to run to lead your senior team.
I have extensive experience in selections: Hedirigido the senior of my country and currently I direct the sub 20, with very good results (in a second stage, since I had directed it previously). Then I had a fruitful time in the United States, starting with its sub 17 and moving to the sub 20. There I obtained a fourth place in the World Cup, really a very big merit considering the material I had compared to other stronger selections.
Why Canada I think it's a beautiful challenge. There is material to aspire to much more, you have to turn the page and aim to return to the next World Cup and play a more interesting role.
Of course, thank you very much for reading me and hopefully I can get your votes of confidence! Greetings to all!


Id like to sign up for NT Senoir GM. But the link is not there ...


Football is a bit different (for the worse, imo) when it comes to the elections. According to the guide: "In the even seasons it is possible to sign up for candidacy for senior national team manager at any time of the season. As soon as the manager is listed as a candidate, managers from that country can send him/her preferential votes. 10 managers with the highest number of preferential votes advance into the second round.

In the odd seasons it is only possible to sign up as a candidate for a senior national team during the last week of the season and only if the community has dismissed the current national team manager or if the manager has resigned from the position."

We are currently in an odd season (33), so unless Canada voted to dismiss their senior NT manager, you won't be able to sign up (and even if they did, you wouldn't be able to until the last week of the season, which has not happened yet).

Usuario PRO Canada Bobby Jay

I knew it was different, but was not aware of the exact procedure. skipman6, you will surely get my vote when the opportunity arrives!


Im signed up now..

Usuario PRO Canada Bobby Jay

One more vote for you. Glad you're back!!.

Gamemaster tandem

It looks like the manager of the skipman6 national team is finished. I'm trying to run and, if I get the trust of the local community, move Team Canada to the next championships.

Gamemaster tandem

If I were elected head of the national team, my goals would be:

- exchange old and weak players for younger and talented ones ("B / C" team)
- Bring Australia back to the World Cup and the Intercontinental Cup.

My experience with national teams:
- U20 Czech Republic (1x gold, 1x silver medal)
- U17 Czech Republic (2x gold, 2x 4th place)
- U20 USA (participation in the world championship

Thanks for the votes. :-)


You've been around since day 1, have already managed other NT. To me, sounds like you're a good fit for the job.

Gamemaster tandem

Thank you. (y) I can promise that I want to work and I won't let the team live my life.

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