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  Téma: National Team


We have tried to move things around but we just cant flat out score. It has been an issue with our teams since day one in the first world cup qualifications.

Im not sure how to correct it but to increase the shooting attribute for all midfielders as well as our CF's.

Our CF's do not have the best TEC attys compared to other powerhouse scorers.


Rob Frenette will be availbe on the free market for anyoen who has 1 billion or more


Ok, lets do this! From now on starting mids need to have a minimum shooting of 100, and strikers 200, or something like this, what do you think?


A 1-0 win is still a win, I think you may be worrying about this too much.

It looks like we have three 21-year old forwards on the roster, with Schoenknecht and Sharrard getting playing time now. We're going to have some difficulty scoring due to being young at the position and not having a super-stud CF to take some of the pressure off. Building chemistry for this next wave of CFs (i.e. the 21 year olds) and winning matches is not a bad situation.


I don't know that shooting on our midfielders is an issue. I only saw three midfielders with shooting under 100 and those three were 85+ and not starting.

All forwards on the team are well over 200 shooting.


In my book a WIN is a WIN no matter how you get it.

Not worrying about it too much just pointing out the obvious.


Irving Vernon is a MIddy for North America. He has a 200 shooting atty and has 4 goals in league, 5 in champions league and 0 on NT.

Arnold Monroe is my Middy. 98 shooting atty and has 10 goals in league, 4 in National Cup, and 0 on NT.

I think the MIDDY's having a decent shooting quality might be in my head as we normally overthink tactics in a statistically based online game vs real life. It make sense to have the midfield have high shooting qualities. I have also thought that high heading would be better since there are a lot of plays coming form the corner.

Who knows. What matters is we win and we win hen it also matters.


Our problem is not that we worry, at least myself, it's just frustrating to control the game, take 14 shots and score only once

But you are right, as Sharrard and Ricky get older they'll do great!


I checked (when I wrote this I didn't have time, it was just a thought) and you are right, they are already at the levels I set... Maybe they should be higher?... I don't really see if that helps though.. Maybe as they increase in experience they'll we'll score more?


29 shot.... 17 on target 3 goals...... Smh


Haha, and they had 2 shots... 2 goals...

At least we won all 4 of our qualifiers matches and can save a bunch of energy next year!


Do your best to have your camp this week or next. End of year tourney starts in 3 weeks.

If your player played the majority of the season you can guarantee they will play.

Exceptions need to be addressed to MANUM. I have given him full reign in preparation for next season.


Thanks for the heads up, I actually hadn't thought about that:

Here's the full list of players I want available to for the Tournament in three weeks, so if your player is here, please do your best to do as Runny said and have you camp before then. Thanks!


Mcintyre (Obryant, we just promoted him to the NT and I'm going to try him out next game as we need a good CD back up in case of injuries and for rotation)

Cornell Mark
Max Mark

Ricky Schoenknecht


I'm glad to see McIntyre get a roster spot. We've had some stars at CD for a while, but I have a feeling he's been very close before.

We'll (potentially) see how he does with 0% NT chem.


Ik he'll have 0% chem, if he is still the best sub for Queen and Barnard, I'll play him next year to get him ready for the tourney

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