Wybierz kraj: | USA |
One of my best forwards got injured before today's game. I still managed to take the win and significantly outshoot the Oregon Jeepsters, though I won the first game against them last year too before losing the series.
I've found 2 A's in the draft so far.
I've found 2 A's in the draft so far.
I have pretty well given up on the draft. I am never available during that time. Which sucks because i keep scouting and finding what turn out to be good players.
Sorting the players by CL and potential is no longer a credit option, so you don't necessarily need to be there at the draft. Sorting players with the same potential and CL still requires credits or propack though.
cool. must have missed that announcement. thanks! i will give it a try.
Would you consider this guy a top prospect? Qs Off 99, shoot 66, pass 89, tech 85, agr 92. OR 360. Age 15. 6/6. He fetched a whopping $220,500. Whoop ti do.
Remember, if your HR isn't 15 and your scouting 100, you don't get a true read on the talent. The higher you are the better your chances but it is still not a for sure.
If you sort by potential it puts them in this order...A, B, C, D, unscouted. So your chances of getting a C or a D is almost assured.
It depends on the level of your facilities, your luck with scouting, and your preferences. I've found two A's and 13 B's so far in this draft, so I'm guaranteed to get a player with some probability of being at least a B. If I had only found 5 B's, I might just reset the rankings to try for a hidden gem or to get lucky with a random unscouted player (if I couldn't actually show up to the draft)
Though sorting the players does give you a better chance at getting one of the better players in the first and possibly the second round, you're definitely right when it comes to the 2nd/3rd-5th rounds, since you would end up getting a C or a D instead of taking a chance on the unscouted players, if you don't show up.
Though sorting the players does give you a better chance at getting one of the better players in the first and possibly the second round, you're definitely right when it comes to the 2nd/3rd-5th rounds, since you would end up getting a C or a D instead of taking a chance on the unscouted players, if you don't show up.
He's a pretty good prospect, but not a top prospect. Any flaw such as 5/6 CL, OR below 400, or a bad quality will really hurt the player's value since in hockey there are enough teams with perfect facilities producing even better prospects to devalue the very good ones from newer teams (this is problematic since it helps to entrench older teams and make it difficult to catch up).
His effective quality, if you train him as a center with relatively low shooting, is about 85.7 because of the low quality for shooting. That's pretty good, but it's not the sort of EQ that gets a 50,000,000 return. Here is an example of a player from a team about the same level as yours that got an insane return: Michael Richardson . He has only one relevant quality below 96 (that one is 91). He made about 500 OR as a 15 year old; he might have been sold around 400 OR.
His effective quality, if you train him as a center with relatively low shooting, is about 85.7 because of the low quality for shooting. That's pretty good, but it's not the sort of EQ that gets a 50,000,000 return. Here is an example of a player from a team about the same level as yours that got an insane return: Michael Richardson . He has only one relevant quality below 96 (that one is 91). He made about 500 OR as a 15 year old; he might have been sold around 400 OR.
With the all the way to the top or bottom buttons it is easier to put draftees in order. I move all C and D players to the bottom then right before draft move D players again to the bottom. Vice verse to A and B players to the top. Then all non scouts are between the two groups. Then I just take my chances that the B I get isn't a C and don't worry about the Cs that are Bs I lose. Hoping for that miracle pull out of the non scouted. It's like playing the lottery. Keeps me interested until the results come out. Of course I've never won the lottery yet either. (
that works for pro pack managers. For non pro there is no way to get the non scouted in between
They can't move players to the bottom of the list? Well then just move one by one to the top starting with the Ds and when the Cs are done move the non scouted guys. Then the Bs and then the Cs. I used to drag and drop where I wanted them but that was a pain.
moving individual players is a pro feature.
non pro can only sort by quality, thus non scouted goes in the bottom
non pro can only sort by quality, thus non scouted goes in the bottom
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