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  Assunto: Senior NT Discussion - Ireland ONLY


Discussion is good as long as it's useful.

Further discussion on the "lost game" is no longer needed, unless it was to continue... Of this I can guarantee will NOT happen again.

Henrik was right not to intervene in the team selection as he has already explained he was not explicity asked to... It was purely my error and mine alone.

Can we now move on to what is more important please?


How is the chemistry of the team progressing?

Have the players reached 100% yet? If not when do you think it will happen?

Where do you see the team finishing this WC?


Most players are around 80 %, so they'll be at 100 % soon. Others need a bit more time.

Goals for the WC haven't been discussed, and it wouldn't be very serious to discuss them now, as we don't know how good we are compared to the other teams.


make group of managers who helps scout opponent team players ;) then you can compare. for example Estonian nt has way better main goalie but backups doesnt stand close to Irish NT :)


We'll see what we can do. At least we've made a lineup today ;)


Too much PIMs and 4 players are from your team! Do you train technique for defenders?


You went for the NT managers job also, have you not scouted any players? Not even mine?

Anyway, my players all have extremely good technique throughout, all level with aggression, there is a reason why I consistently finish in the top of my league every season... It's because I know what I'm doing.

Also, the NT contains the most players from my team, so it's logical to presume that my players will get more pim's than the rest.

Also, we only conceded 1 gal from the penalties, the same amount as our opponents.

Ireland have a lot of catching up to do with the rest of the teams regarding chemistry, which is the reason we lost a narrow game. We can only enhance this with more games. You have to learn to walk, before you can run. In the Ireland NT, its a case of maximising chemistry with each line, because we had a stronger team than the Argentines.

So next time you want to take a dig at me or the Ireland NT (which is exactly what you have been doing up to now), do it with some sort of perspective, because your posts are not very well thought out.


Relax, it was only a questin and you are right - I haven't scouted players from your team. I have scouted only 3 players from Ireland NT, but I will scout your players later, because I have some players that I want to scout and they are also playing in NT, but not Ireland. And I think, that you are good manager, I am also training technique for defenders - you can see it, because in Ireland NT also is playing one of my players.
And you must be lucky, because you are manager of Ireland NT not Latvian NT. There are very much unnecessary posts and questinons...


Recently I was looking through managers profiles from Ireland 1.I league, and came across this as one of their status's...
(I won't name the manager, he may even be brave enough to come here and speak freely amongst us all)

Anyway, I seen this...

This comment was made in the aftermath of the NT game not going ahead due to Ireland not able to put out a team - I've explained this here already.

So I asked him about this...
His reply was...


I think that the work-coach National team is not easy.in the team should be the best players from Ireland,but i think that is just busines for you.why??11 players from Dublin Ravens.is it fair??why is there Darren Donelly??ireland dont have better players??i played hockey in my country 15 years and i wasnt happy if coach have like only some players!!you exactly now what i mind??i play hockey in Ireland as well,so i now what is it hockey.this is diferend,its "only"game.but i want fair game.we cant compared with SLOVAKIA,CZECH REPUBLIC becose they have more team,more players.i think that if you wanted you will build better IRELAND NATIONAL TEAM.but you must forget that you have DUBLIN RAVENS!!you are NATIONAL COACH.SO HELP IRELAND,DONT HELP YOU!!!These results are a disgrace.i no want be your enemy but i want fair game.Prove that you know to be fair!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!this is not league,this is IRELAND NATIONAL TEAM

An angry man here...
I replied...


"I agree, fair game is what is needed for the Ireland team.
But please, tell me what players are better than the 11 from my team?
7 of my players played the last game, all 7 of them were in either line 3 or line 4, which means I think of other players from other teams better than mine.
So please, show me the players who are better, and I'll play them...

The fact is, for me, is that there is NO other players better at the moment.
There may be in a season or 2 time, but most managers play normal & high intensity alot throughout the season, I mainly play low, therefore my players have huge energy and very high experience, which is very important.

It's easy for managers to blame me for Irelands results, but the facts cannot and SHOULD NOT be ignored. Every other NT have 100% chemistry in their lines, and have much better players than Ireland.

We have the smallest pool of players to choose from, there is probably only about 8/9/10 teams from Ireland with players who are good enough for Ireland, and even then,most managers do not train their players properly.

I don't mind criticism, but it MUST be fair, and with perspective.
So with all that in mind, if yuo can find more players that I have not found, please point them out and message me with their details.

Also, you can use this link to update your players details (which you have not done in almost 140 days).


So I'd like to now have this opportunity to ask for all managers to post their players to the NT site from my above quote on a regular basis. You may have players I'm not aware of yet, but you guys need to tell me when you have a good player. I can check them but I also have a life outside of PPM, as you all have.

I'd also like to hear your opinions on the "chat" I had with one of the Irish clubs managers, is he right, am I right, is there a middle ground?

So, help me, help you, and the NT in the process.




First NT to beat Italy this season... I'll take that!


Great win! Congratulations! :)


Thanks man, I think we have a good enough squad to compete, we're still lagging with Chemistry but we're getting there!


Who have the biggest chemistry in the team? And how big it is? Is it close to 100?


We have 5 players on 100%, the rest range between 11% to 98%.

No. 1 GK is at 93%, No. 2 is only at 13%.

Hopefully by the time the WC comes around, most of our players will be at 100% or close to it.


damn Cass ir that low? it looks like even to get in nt gk chemistry to 100% is pain in the ass :D

anyway only way to keep ireland strong is to build sport academy and training level as high as possible or trying to sell future superstars to teams who got 14-15 training level to ensure he will help national team

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