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  Assunto: Draft

Pessoa próxima à equipe PPM canucks357

Ya I hear ya. Personally, I'd rather have one massive draft at the end of each season and have no pulls the final 4-6 weeks. Also give 1 week for people to organize their draft list. Perhaps have non-Pros be able to rank 2-3 rounds worth of players while Pro can rank everyone. But hey, they're trying new things and trying to make the game more exciting. Can't fault that.


I have no issues with draft. Once again, I am a supporter of the idea. But i think the pro advantage should not be that huge.

Pro managers should for example have the ability to manually select the player order (as it is now) and non-pro just sort by either CL or Potential. That current "feature" is pretty much useless for pro as they can order much better by selecting order one by one.

Prior to draft a casual manager could log once a week and be "fine". Now, every other week a manager has to be online 7 days just to scout players and a specific time in the weekend just to draft the player and then another day to actually pull the players. and another day for the regular pull

So now, instead of 2 days, a causal has to play 10 days every 14 days. that is why i see it as pay to play now.

Usuário PRO EUA capsaicin

At the very least, maybe non-pro pack managers should be allowed to randomize the order.

Cory Martin

Bulls, that is a pretty good idea as far as opening up ordering by CL or potential for non-pros. They still don't get the precise order, but they're not screwed if they're not online.


I can get behind this. Ordering by potential would be AWESOME for those times when I am busy ON A SATURDAY NIGHT. This is killing my social life...

Just kidding, I don't have friends. :D ... :(


This is how most "freemium" games work though. You can play and have a decent enough time for free. .. but if you want the best gear in the game, or you want to be able to beat the uber post game bosses, you have to pay.

Same thing here.

I'm sorry, but i have no problem with division 1 being somewhat "premium" content. If you want to play the game at that level. .. with the interactivity of the forums and such, I dont think its a big deal to pay.

You can still play for free in division III if you want. That should be good enough for the casual gamers that only log in once a week.


so you're saying if i get a hockey and soccer pro pack i go to Division 1?

There is no point being pro in hockey and soccer. I wont go anywhere. does not matter if i am pro and play in everyday. and they "forcing" me to go pro to have youngsters.

being casual is not for me so i will drop both

I have said many times that if they fix the competitiveness they will earn more.


My A pick had a 48 in a prime att. How can that be and A.


My A pick with a 4 star rating for defense had a quality of 72 for defense.




my A (4 star) goalie has 50 Q for technique....


I ended up keeping only my 4th round pick. It was a lucky pick as a B. Needs work though because he's got most of his AI on D but his qualities are better for a center.


No... That's a faulty interpretation of what I was saying.

I said that I have no problem with them making the pro-pack somewhat necessary to compete in division 1.

That doesn't mean that if you get the pro-pack, that you'll automatically catapult yourself up to I.1

As far as division II goes. The way I see it... if division I.1 is for those who almost need to get pro-packs, and division III is for casual gamers, then division II is somewhere in between. You will get some benefit from having the pro-pack (and it might help you get to division I.1 faster), but you won't NEED it to play and have a decent amount of fun.


Is there a way to see the letter grade now?


not that i know of. I wrote down what my guys were as I picked them.

I guess next time I'll just take screenshots of each round and see how it goes.

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