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  Assunto: Draft


So, I am curious. What is the percentage of players that were actually kept from the draft? There were 36 picks in my league. Only 6 are still on teams. so, in my league 16.6% of drafted players are still on teams. How did the bigger leagues do? From the thread, I am thinking it is a lot lower. And, the follow-up question to that is, what is the rate of players retained without the draft (ie normal SA operation)? Does anyone know how they compare?


Out of my 4 players I knew 2 were keepers. the 3 i picked are in the team.

Since my SA has never provided any decent player, the draft worked for me.

the percentage of draft keepers will be direct proportional to the amount of people who comes to draft or are pro

In your league, dont think many showed up so it explains why so little keepers


In I.1, 3 of the 76 players drafted are still on the team that drafted them.


I.1 76 players, 15 signed contracts, 4 remain

II.1 68 players, 13 signed contracts, 10 remain
II.2 62 players, 10 signed contracts, 4 remain
II.3 59 players, 17 signed contracts, 15 remain
II.4 62 players, 16 signed contracts, 11 remain

III.1 28 players, 1 signed contract, 1 remain
III.2 37 players, 4 signed contracts, 3 remain
III.3 33 players, 5 signed contracts, 4 remain
III.4 37 players, 5 signed contracts, 2 remain
..... too many lol

So it sounds like the draft helps Division II teams that likely are teams not fully developed but "ready" to start training some youngsters.

Sounds like it does not help very underdeveloped teams like the ones found on division 3 and well developed teams found on Division 1.


One of the Div 1 players was sold as well (40k).


yeah, i've seen some of the players sold, but they were sold for like 10k-40k so it is almost like saying the manager "dumped" them...


Some quick math backs up your conclusion:

I.1. 19.7% signed, 5% remain
II. 1-4. 248 total players. 56 signed (22.5%), 40 remain (16.1%).
III. 1-4. 136 total players, 40 signed (11.0%), 10 remain (7.3%). (This assumes that this is a reasonable sample of Div III draft results, so it could be very wrong.)

It certainly doesn't look like this draft thing is worth what all the hype indicated it would be. It is apparent that the actual values of drafted players are not what they appear to be pre-draft. Were it other wise, there would be more players kept after the draft. I guess the question about the Div III teams is do the non-manager teams keep the players? I assume they do, but I don't know. That could be skewing the numbers for Div III.

The question remains, though, does anyone know what the "normal" rates would be for getting trainees from the SA?


i didn't see they drafting the player. at least there is no link. so if they kept, I am considering as not signed.

D3 sample may be small but usually the first leagues have more active teams.

I can say i got the best player ever from the draft. never got players better than the best two i got from it.

One of them would be kept in D1 for sure. the other i doubt.

draft still has some advantages: we can try to pull a layer based on needed position. I went for defensive players mostly.

dont think its worth being online every other week for it ....

other point is that without the draft one had equal chances to pull a top player. now, if one misses the draft, chances are no players will be worth anything and the ones that show up may pull a keeper.

so, although it does not help much, it may become mandatory or else you will never pull any good player.


the normal rates for SA will be a lot of timing consuming to figure it out :(


There's also a huge amount of variance, so it would require a large sample size. For example, I went something like 3 straight seasons in soccer without keeping anyone, then later on I think I kept at least 4 (maybe more even) in a single season.


yeah. that would be a hellascious project to gather that data. and, i have no intention of trying it. I was mostly just wondering if anyone had any idea what the "normal" rate might be. Folks in the forums and on staff post stuff that i had no idea anyone had researched before. it truly is amazing information sometimes.


nah, i researched after you asked for ;)

but the thing is .. in the past I almost worked in a tool to try to find out new players pulled by USA managers so it would be easy to find out who pulled a NT type of player. I actually build that tool but never used.
If I had we'd have a much better idea


see what i mean about amazing stuff... (y)


lol never used cause of the new draft thing. Now i am on hold. i will probably use it with some modifications.


looking forward to it.

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