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  Assunto: Senior Canada National Team

Usuário PRO Canadá paulroedb

And let's cross our fingers on Camille. Would make for a compelling, mud-slinging ugly ride through the underworld of Canadian PPL football politics!

Usuário PRO Canadá Bobby Jay

Vote #3. I'll send you the private PO Box# by equally private correspondence.

Usuário PRO República Tcheca Camilla Bella

But you are jokers. I like cheerful people and I love jokes...8-D(y)
But seriously - Canada's U20 is in sixth place, I won't take on such a responsibility! At least medals are expected there, although I would like to take medals, but that's not what I'm looking for.
As I wrote, I would like to start with the team from the low levels and see a move up.:-?

Usuário PRO Canadá Bobby Jay

Season 47:
After winning game one, the senior squad was shut out for three consecutive games, but a 5-1 win over Estonia yesterday, has allowed the team to squeak into the playoffs! Unfortunately, this means we have drawn Latvia, one of the division leaders, as a first round opponent! Time for a little good luck!!

Usuário PRO República Tcheca Camilla Bella

I'm looking I'm looking

I look and I don't even wonder where the Kand team is. Hopefully I'll be nice or the manager is playing the B team. Then it would make sense, but if it's the A team ... it turns out that the team has a lot more, but why are they wasting energy now in a friendly where nothing is at stake and not saving for the World Cup where you could play for promotion?
Only your new manager, whom you have chosen, knows.
It just makes my heart cry when I see where Team Canada is.

Usuário PRO Canadá SamuelCarrier

Camilla, sorry to be abrupt, but we have entertained you as a guest on these boards for long enough. You clearly do not understand this game very much and we have no need for you lruking around and mopping that we don't hand you the keys to our national team.


Does anyone remember our old phenom. Steve Chochran? I haven’t played in years. I don’t recognize anyone on the team now. Lol

Usuário PRO Canadá Bobby Jay

Yes, I do.! He was perhaps Canada's most outstanding hockey player.! His career stats are still available to view by accessing the senior team stats from about season 15. Truly remarkable. He is presently on no team , aged 47, still with a 1470 OVR, , and experience of 655!!

Usuário PRO Canadá Bobby Jay

Perhaps I can educate you.? The better players who are not playing in the friendlies ALL have, and will have 100% energy and at least 90% chemistry when the tournament starts.! Most are 0/6 or1/6.so there is little/nothing to be gained by playing them now.!! Those who are playing in the friendlies are the future starters for the team, and are playing at higher levels to maximize their gains so they will be better trained when their turn comes.!! There is no point to win the friendly games if it leaves you too tired to play well in the championship.!!

Usuário PRO Canadá Boba Fett

Oh yeah I remember Steve. He was crazy good for a long time.

Usuário PRO Canadá paulroedb

Whoever takes over this team should hopefully notice that the guy with the 13th best OR on the roster just might be a decent selection to go to the World's. He just might be the missing link that keeps Canada out of the bottom division at the big tournament...

Usuário PRO Canadá Bobby Jay

What a horribly egregious omission.! It was a choice at left wing between 1/6-Harvey @2965,and 3/6-Teddy Benoit @2907. Since either would only have been on the fifth line, we went with the player with the largest long term upside.

Usuário PRO Canadá paulroedb

Seems it is time to post my old New Year's message on the state of the PPM game in Canada. This is a repeat of three years or so ago. Here we go again...

I will remind anyone who is listening that the PPM game is slowly shrinking, slightly faster here in Canada. Those lower division teams/newer GM's will vouch that I do my best to stop this from happening. Your challenges are always accepted. Same with my kid (Rousey Mousey) cause she listens to her Dad. We realize that keeping newer players benefits PPM/Canada PPM and we do our best to keep it that way. We encourage all of you to run for the national teams, even though the same old faces that run these teams never change. Giving up without trying never helps. The kid and I will vote for you. Unionize. Protect yourselves. Some of the old timers think similar to me (perhaps...). I finally gave up on this [censored] a couple of years ago and went off to the football national team and the Dutch U20 hockey club, the absolute worst in the PPM world. Someone isn't afraid of losing. You want national team experience? Drop me a message and you are my assistant tomorrow. I tip my hat here to Skipman (Kenora Thistles) who years ago made me his assistant when I first started at this game. I repaid that by remaining massively loyal to this great game. We need more of you like that.

The old clique at the top do not agree with this. They hoard the national teams to themselves. This was the topic of my New Year's address years ago. Nothing has changed. The game shrinks as they corner the extra fun of this game (see Tragedy of the Commons). It seems this concept has never occurred to them... Then, they claim that no one else is running for office (many have, by the way, but had no chance of getting votes) so they have no choice but to take the teams. (see Self-fulfilling prophecy). It's a joke folks and you guys are the ones that can stop this ugly humour.

My kid and I have full capacity stadiums and are always willing to share the wealth. We do this for two reasons: A - we promote the PPM game, the way it was supposed to be played. and B - to show that we aren't PETTY. By this I mean we don't ONLY play other high division teams with big-ass arenas that can make a couple of extra hundred thousand dollars. Also kind of like how we do don't drop our team to the second division to hide our expensive free agents, collect near Division 1 sponsor money and take advantage of the glitch in the game which provides high-level draft picks to elite level teams. No, we try our best and play hard and stay in the top division. And we share both our financial and knowledge wealth.

Oh well, life goes on. I truly hope you stay with this great game and wish you and your family a very Happy New Year! Should you stay with the game and grow your teams, you too will eventually learn some of the loopholes of this game and have to make up your mind if you think they should be exploited. But if you do decide to take advantage, be forewarned - you won't be the first. They will already leeched a long time ago...


Usuário PRO Canadá paulroedb

Oh that's fine. Cause he is a free-agent anyways. Get Carrier to take a good-sized of his ill-gotten war chest and put a big-ass bid and he is his. Cause if he comes back cheap I will sell him. He is obviously too good that he can be milked for the national team friendlies but not good enough to make the big show. Maybe on your friend's team he will look more attractive. I can't block his national candidacy so I have to accept the decisions made.

But this has very little to do with the above. This one is just the last straw. Have him. And go choke on him.


Usuário PRO Canadá paulroedb

At least the Americans didn't give us the drop. Estonia looks like a real patsy...

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