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  Assunto: Senior Canada National Team

Usuário PRO Canadá paulroedb

Canada, a conservative country, prefers standard, non-descript, male figures to run the national team (at least that's my guess, since I am male, non-descript and have had limited success with this). Unlike the World Cup of Football running now, which moved to include women in the sport, the PPM machine remained with the typical, WASP model of representation. I'm not sure if the censors like this being debated here or not. My suggestion would be to change your profile picture and perhaps the name, if possible. I know that's not fair, but it might help in getting more GM's to vote for you.

Usuário PRO Canadá SamuelCarrier

Well that is one interpretation of things. I don't think you can trust that people are who they say they are on the internet. People claiming to be women can be men and the other way around is also true. It basically doesn't matter as we should not care about that in the type of interactions we have.

Melissa, from Hardware Snakes, has been GM of our U20 NT for the longest time and she was great at it. I don't deny sexism, but I don't see it applying here.

The simple truth, to me, is to prioritize giving management of a team to a country mate over someone from outside.

Not even because I think they will fare better, but because they will care more for the game with this responsability and we help maintain our player base by doing this.

If there is no candidate from my country, I will consider other candidates.

Usuário PRO Canadá paulroedb

Yeah, well, that's a different issue. The Dutch trust me to run their team and I hope it is based on experience. I look at what the candidate has done for the game, not whether or not they are a "foreign pinko spy". Camille already has three strikes against him/her - a) he/she has no experience b) he/she presents a persona/profile pic which is hard to take seriously (yeah, so is mine perhaps but notice that I check the "experience" box here...) and c) he/she posts weird messages critiquing other countries' team bosses. I may not be a professional voter but I do have common sense.

Usuário PRO Canadá paulroedb

Not sure if anyone else remembers when Shipman came back in a blaze and took over one of the national football teams. Three weeks later the team didn't have a boss and the flash in the pan was gone. I may be a sh&$ty GM in the footie arena but at least I don't bail out. Vote experience folkS! (Free campaign advertising for the Season 44 "Keep Roedb at U20" drive...)

Usuário PRO República Tcheca Camilla Bella

I understand and understand. A rough land calls for rough men. There is no place for girls. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you all.

Usuário PRO Canadá paulroedb

No offence Camille. I can assure you my comments have nothing to do with Canadian topography...

Usuário PRO Canadá paulroedb

Wasn't it the Velvet Underground with "Waiting for My Man"? Here, the Man is the censors...

Usuário PRO Canadá SamuelCarrier

Very strange messages in here.

But yeah, basically if you are a foreigner and want to GM the team, and even if you are from that country really, you should make yourself known for a while before asking for the keys to town.

Giving NT duty to a beginner is asking for trouble. They may stop playing/taking care of the team from one day to the next and there are repercussions to such bad performances as well as loss of training bonuses.

Usuário PRO Canadá Bobby Jay

Trying to be a national manager of a Canadian hockey team, even as a Canadian manager, is not easily accomplished, as hockey understandably generates the most interest among Canadians. Experience is definitely an advantage! I noticed that you have shown similar interest and views in respect to the US national soccer team. We are currently running elections for soccer, and there is no Canadian entry in the U20 category. Perhaps that might be a place to start to gain the confidence of this country's managers.!

Usuário PRO Canadá paulroedb

Please do Camille, that would be fun and I am sure that the managers you have already charmed will be there to vote for you. Plus, the chat boards will be lively once more! We haven't seen that, nor heard from the censors for a long time now. Wasn't that way back when we argued about the oppressive presence of the Old School Mafia that runs the Canadian National hockey teams?

Usuário PRO República Tcheca Camilla Bella

Thank you.
I just wanted to inform myself about this situation so that I know what my hopes are. I see that as a foreigner and a girl in the national team, I don't have much confidence. I understand that and I understand you. Although there is not much discussion here, so one can only guess how the other managers would react. But it was just an idea.
Yes, I'm trying to get involved in the national football team of America, because I think that team also has more to offer and the current manager doesn't even want an assistant (I offered to him), but it will probably end up there the same as here... Tribute to the locals, even if they don't care... nothing personal.:)O:)

Usuário PRO República Tcheca Camilla Bella

I looked and yes, no one is applying for the US national team under 20 "yet". But if I look at how the last one did? I have to admit that he is a great manager when their national team is in 15th place. It would be a lot of audacity for a novice girl to try to improve this ranking. I would like to help a team that is in low positions, where you can see that the team is not doing very well and where there is an opportunity to improve. For a team in high positions, it is expected that it will at least stay there or even improve after the arrival of the new manager.(y)

Usuário PRO Canadá paulroedb

I think he was referring to lowly Canada there Camille. I agree. I wouldn't want to f&$@ with that juggernaut called USA football either...

Usuário PRO Canadá Bobby Jay

I was in fact referring to Canada U20. paulroeb, a little disappointed that you decided not to run again, and thought that since no other Canadian manager has shown interest, that it might be an opportunity for someone who has shown so much interest in national team management to throw their hat into the ring. I would be greatly interested to see the new ideas that might come to the table.

Usuário PRO Canadá paulroedb

I wasn't aware of the system for staying on. Vote Roedb in the other sport and we will make sure to provide the usual completely legal benefits to the private PO Box of your choice.

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