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  Majalah PowerPlay

League regrouping

Hi folks,

We have an important announcemt to make. We plan to regroup the lower leagues in all countries. We will fill all leagues in the second lowest level in that country with active teams from the lowest level. In case there is not enough room, we will promote the ones with the highest OTR. If you are in one of the bottom 2 levels, get ready for some changes.

The Great Referral Campaign is, of course, still going on. Remember you only need to get 20 points in order to have a chance to win Nintendo Wii. We also have a special bonus for you. The user who gets the most verified referrals this Wednesday (July 27) wins a PowerPlay Manager T-shirt. The counter starts at midnight CET and ends 24 hours later.

Last but not least, we have added some safety restrictions to the sitter feature. For example the sitter is no longer allowed to use any credit features or to revoke the user's team or to connect the account with his or her facebook account.

Have a nice day!

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