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  PowerPlay مجله

Marcel Rodman aiming to avoid relegation with team Slovenia

Marcel Rodman aiming to avoid relegation with team Slovenia

Slovenia is back to the top division after two years of absence. They will open the tournament play against the home team of Slovakia. These two teams have met only twice in the top division and both meetings date back to 2008 when Slovakia narrowly avoided relegation thanks to two victories (5-1 and 4-3 in the shootout) against Slovenia.

Slovakia survived, but for Slovenia, it was a trip back to Division I. Now they are back in the top division and they will try to cause an upset at the expense of the host nation in their opener. In the absence of their star Anze Kopitar, the Slovenian team will hope for production from the likes of Marcel and David Rodman.

The same Marcel Rodman who almost became the top goal scorer of the 2002 World Championship in Sweden. He scored in every game of that tournament and became only the third player in history to achieve this feat at the top level of World Championships. He and his brother will form two thirds of the most dangerous Slovenian line in their bid to avoid relegation.

Marcel has taken some time to answer our questions about the upcoming championship and the opening game in particular.

Marcel, this will be the sixth appearance of Slovenia in the top division. You have been a part of the Slovenian team in all previous appearances. Do you feel the same excitement as before the first WC or are you already used to it?

Every tournament is a little bit different and special in its own way. When I play for my country at the top level of WC, there are always some butterflies in my stomach.

The last team you played against in top division was Slovakia and now you face them again. What will be the game plan against a team that is heavily favored?

This will be also the opening game for team Slovakia and since they play at home, where the pressure will be on them to achieve a good result, they will be even harder to beat. We have to be realistic. We know they are a much better team individually, so we have to be at our strongest as a team. I don’t think we can win a best of seven series, but anything can happen in one game. We are hoping and we will try everything to surprise, but it will be very, very hard.

Slovenia has a new coach Matjaz Kopitar (Anze’s father) who is the first home grown coach the Slovenian team has had since 2003. What do you know about his coaching style?

Matjaz coached me a few seasons ago in the Austrian league, so I know how he works. He hates losing, he holds people accountable, and he always pushes everyone to play at their best. He is a personality, which makes our national team better.

Anze Kopitar will miss the tournament because of a broken ankle. That is obviously a huge blow to your team. Does this in any way change your ambitions and game-plan before the tournament?

I am not sure if that changes our game plan, because our main goal is to not get relegated. Of course with Anze on a team, every team not just Slovenia, is stronger. Unfortunately he can’t help us, so we will have to be at our best. People sometimes say, that no player is irreplaceable for a team, but he currently really is for us.

How much coverage does the Championship get back home in Slovenia? Do you get a lot of support from the fans?

When we play at the top pool of WC, most of the games are televised. If I am not mistaken, all the games from this year’s WC will be covered by one Slovenian TV station. We get the coverage, but support always depends on how well we play. 

Do you expect to see more Slovenian fans here because of the proximity of the venue?

We always get pretty good number of fans coming to the top pool WC. Because Bratislava is so close, I am pretty sure, there will be even more fans this year.

You had a rather nasty injury when you got cut by a skate on your chest. Is that fully healed now and are you going to the World Championship in top shape?

I had a very unfortunate cut on my chest, which took a while to heal. But everything is healed, so I will be there in top shape.

Thank you for your time and good luck at the World Championship.

رُتبه مقاله: ضعیف - معمولی - عالی     بازدیدهای منحصر به فرد: 251

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