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  PowerPlay مجله

U18-WC in Germany - Interviews with the national coaches, part 1

The U18-WC takes place in Germany.Therefore, there are interviews with the coaches of the participating teams. Today starts the serie with group A. (here the article in the german magazine) Thanks to menoa for the graphic.


All articles:

- article to group A

- article to group B

- article to group C

- article to group D



1)What is the goal you want to achieve with the team at the upcoming U18 World-Cup?

We would like to stay in the top division, this is the minimum goal. But we expect from the team, that we reach the Playoff (we will in the best 8 team).

2.) Which teams are the main competitors in order to achieve your goals?

The main competitors for us, I think Slovakia, Croatia, Spain, Poland, Finland teams.

3.) Which players are the best (the greatest) and the best talents in your teams?

The best players are Zsombor Szuhay and Gyula Konkoly. The best talents are Gyula Erdősi and Gergely Patonai.

4.) Who are your favorites for the World Cup title?

I think Slovakia, Czech or Germany will win the World Cup, but I hope, that we can cause a surprise. :)

5.) What do you think of awarding the U18 World Cup to Germany and what do you associate with "Germany"?

I am glad that Germany will organize the World Cup. I'm sure it will be a very exciting World Cup. Germany has a very good national team and I think German people like ice hockey.



1) What is the goal you want to achieve with the team at the upcoming U18 World-Cup?

It is our first season in top division so the main goal is to stay here. We hope we could do little more then that:)

2.) Which teams are the main competitors in order to achieve your goals?

Our main competitor is Belarus. We will need to beat them, beat them hard. No mercy!

3.) Which players are the best (the greatest) and the best talents in your teams?

I can't really single out any player. We have quite a few similar players. You can scout them and see yourself :D

4.) Who are your favorites for the World Cup title?

Germany, of course.

5.) What do you think of awarding the U18 World Cup to Germany and what do you associate with "Germany"?

They deserve it, they are really great people and very welcomed in Croatia. Germany? Oktoberfest, definitelly :D




1.) What is the goal you want to achieve with the team at the upcoming U18 World-Cup?

We are not the strongest team at the World Cup. We have strong competitors in the group. Main goal on our team - stay in the top division.

2.) Which teams are the main competitors in order to achieve your goals?

We are not favorites, so every game is important to us. Concrete call someone I can not.

3.) Which players are the best (the greatest) and the best talents in your teams?

Best player - Taras Jarmalinski. Best talents - Siargei Sapezhynski.

4.) Who are your favorites for the World Cup title?

Czech Republic, Slovakia, Latvia, Hungary.

5.) What do you think of awarding the U18 World Cup to Germany and what do you associate with "Germany"?

Good place for WC. =)



1.) What is the goal you want to achieve with the team at the upcoming U18 World-Cup?

Our goal is to achieve better place then in previous season´s championship.

2.) Which teams are the main competitors in order to achieve your goals?

Hungary, Czech Republic or Germany.

3.) Which players are the best (the greatest) and the best talents in your teams?

Our goalkeeper Maruškin looks to be in good form, other great players are Sakali, Berzety and Ferst.

4.) Who are your favorites for the World Cup title?

Without doubt Hungary.

5.) What do you think of awarding the U18 World Cup to Germany and what do you associate with "Germany"?

Both candidature countries were well prepaired. But it looks Germany was better prepaired then Poland thanks to better support, marketing, more fans, more votes. I associate Germany with famous beer fests and quality cars.



Thanks to all natioal coaches!

رُتبه مقاله: ضعیف - معمولی - عالی     بازدیدهای منحصر به فرد: 372

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