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  PowerPlay مجله

SMS in Poland, cheaper credits in Russia and more ice paintings


Hello friends,

There are a few new things since the last news. First of all SMS payments in Poland are finally available. There were some complications that delayed the proceedings but Polish users can now use this payment option. We hope it can help us a bit financially.

More good news is for Russian users. First of all I would like to congratulate Russia on winning the Ice Hockey World Championships for the second year in a row. As a result we have prolonged the period of the special promotion in Russia. Users in Russia can get 20% extra credits for the same price until May 20. Hurry, because the time is running out.

We have also introduced more ice paintings for new countries. Among them are Latvia, Russia, Belgium and the Netherlands. We would like to thank captain of the Belgian support team Vjeetje who helped us by creating the Belgian and Dutch paintings.

Have a nice day



این مقاله در این زبانها قابل دسترس است:
Español, Chile Español, Argentina Беларуская Български Bosanski Čeština Dansk Deutsch English Español, España Eesti Suomi Français Hrvatski 
Magyar Italiano Latviešu Nederlands Norsk Português, Brasil Polski Português Română Русский Slovenčina Slovenščina Српски Svenska Українська 

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