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  Asunto: Questions & Answers


Got it. Thank you and have a nice day.


Hi guys,

I'm doubting whether or not I'd upgrade my economic facility to level 15.

Paying the money for the upgrade isn't an issue but what I'm wondering is if you'll earn that 150M + 100k extra expenses per day (compared to level 14) back?


I'm pretty sure it'll pay back in less than 10 seasons.


including the 100k per day?

cause if it pays the 150M back in ten seasons but I have 11M extra expenses, it's hardly worth it for 4M per season :)


You will get 4-5 percent increase to your sponsors+Media+VIP (extra expenses not included).


Guess I can do the math with that information, cheers mate!!


I can invest around 60 million the coming season and I am doubting between upgrading two sectors of my stadion from 1500 to 2500 or upgrading my economical facility from level 12 to 13.

I suspect the stadium upgrade will give me a higher bonus in sponsors next season compared to upgrading the facility, could someone confirm this?


Today i get my A+ Player (with 100% scouting) from yesterdays Draft.

OR 347, AvQ 82%, 6/6

That's a better B Draft Player, but never ever a A+!?

What is the rating-criterium for A+ Player?

Persona cercana al equipo de PPM McRoyal

I would say, when the qualities for the position (not overall quality) are higher than 85%(maybe 90+), it's an A+. An A-player has around 80+%.

If you think the OR is not high enough, than that has nothing to do with the draft result itself as the draft only cares about the quality.

B-players are between 60 and 79% imho (again position quality, not overall).


For example. Two players from the same Draft yesterday:

A+ 99/99/77/84 (Av. position Q 89)
B 95/83/58/88 (Av. position Q 81)

In the past i had a lot of B players with a position AvQ higher then 80%.

I think he is the worst A+ player ever.. :) Thats bad luck :'(

Thx McRoyal


In the instant challenges when you check game results it doesn't show strength of the opponent. Does that mean that they are playing with minimum strength or with normal or mirroring your strength or with random strength?

Asking cause sometimes loosing to the opponents that are weaker by 30-40 overall team score, considering that games are on the home ice, it makes it super weird.

Desarrollador del proyecto PowerPlay Manager vlady

it does show team strength in the game summary. what you see there is correct. Not sure what you are referring to. There is no home advantage in instant challenges.


I guess you want to know if game importance in your tactics has any role. It doesn't - both teams play with the same importance.

Usuario PRO China Taipei taipaddy

Question: How does the players for sale work? I seem to remember reading about it before but I can't find the explanation anywhere. What happens when I pay the requested price?


Player will go to the market for 7 days from the moment you bid on him. He is then available for anyone to bid, but you have the "upper hand" with picking the deadline (ie: bid 5am local time, which is great for you and not so much for me, hencr bigger possibility you will get the player). Anyone can bid, the price you pay is minimum a seller had in mind.

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