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  Asunto: Questions & Answers


On a somewhat related note, I'm still not too clear on how much (if any) passing to train on wingers. The guide says that passing is important for all players, but it's not part of the bundle for wingers. Do you have a "perfect" build for wingers as well, and if so do you mind sharing it? Thanks.


I want ask when we ( national team coaches) know national team championships groups?


I have 2 builds for pass on wingers. I've built 75% on several that play the PP. Seems effective. But I try to keep atleast 50%. There is no imperical evidence suggesting this works. But I have become a believer that non bundle attys like shot should be 50% of primary at minimum. Just my approach any way.


Quick question. I have a player who got 80 in quality. (scouted ofc) Normally he trains to 0.65-70. I've sent him to camp with 13 other players and now he is training at 0.43. Yesterday 0.36. Is this a bug or?

Also got 2 national players who are in the camp. They were pulled out of the camp to play a friendly match for Denmark and they got way less training aswell. Whats the point in that? I mean, whats in if for me?

Desarrollador del proyecto PowerPlay Manager vlady

please give me an ID of this player. maybe you changed which attribute he is training.

national team players get a certain training bonus. it may be lower than your camp but besides that they also gain experience and you earn money. so its still a good situation to be in.


Mystery solved. Goddamnit... I've by a mistake made him train attack(31) instead of defense(80). Doh...
Thanks for replaying so fast and sorry.

About earning money for national players. Thats only in the cups not friendly, right?


yes it is in friendly's too. it's about 8000-10000 for each player who is playing in that match!


Very interesting, thank you. Last question (for now!): do you vary the ratios based on quality, or do you rigidly stick to the ratio? I generally shoot for 100:75:50, but I will vary it based on quality. For example, if the secondary quality on a player was a little lower than I'd like, I might do 100:60:50 or something like that. My reasoning is that even if the ratio is a little less than ideal, the player will still perform better that way because I spend less time training a slow attribute, and can therefore shift the absolute values higher than if I stuck to the "ideal" ratio. What do you think?

Thanks again.


I agree completely - I train the same way.


PPM is slowly updating?
I still don't have the message: Game played

Persona cercana al equipo de PPM canucks357

Same here... but it came. Check your calendar when that happens. It normally ends up there first.


PPM is not only slow, I'm sure the game engine did calculate wrong :D


vlady told that this is bad luck... but I would know how a better team could have so much times bad luck... this is not the first game like this in this season. It's normal for me to lose such games. So I ask me:

- which players make how much good/bad passes
- which players make how much good/bad shots to goal
- which lines plays against which line of opponent

and so on. we do not have any useable tool to answer questions like this. and I hope such tools will come soon...

btw: whole internet is really bad tonight. all google services are down or delayed...


Now the standing page is half updated.
The details are updated, but the ranking itself isn't updated, this 1,5h after the game :(
It's realy slowly updating.


For being 3rd in your league and having such a great team, you sure do make it sound like things are much worse than they really are.

Persona cercana al equipo de PPM canucks357

But things ARE bad! The economy in PPM is bad. My attendance has slowly been dropping :(

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