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  Asunto: Questions & Answers


Older players also costs more. Players from higher ranked leagues is another factor that makes salary go higher.. as it says in the guide


The guide says that foreigners are paid 25% more. At first I assumed that you'd pay a 25% tax of sorts on top of their displayed salary. But I added up all the salaries and it's the exact number showing up as daily expenses. That leads me to believe that the 25% comes into effect during contract renewal.
Which means the 1251 would be including that 25%. Hence the 1000 without tax.

The player was bought from a Div V team, I'm in IV. Ignoring the foreign aspect that makes his higher age the only factor to explain that difference.

Higher starting point is an interesting angle. It could mean that the added wage is calculated as a % increase based off a player's development.


I have also noticed that offensive players are paid more. Shooting also seems to contribute more to salary than other non-primary skills.


From what i've seen, players who put up good numbers tend to get higher salaries, as is expected.


yes, and the more you score the higher you get paid, more than a defensive player normally


Interestingly enough all players have 26 shot.

The stats for this season are as follows:
Player 1: 6G 10A 16TP 15+- 2-0-0 3SS
Player 2: 2G 13A 15TP 14+- 1-3-0 3SS
Player 3: 5G 6A 11TP 12+- 0-0-3 3SS

Average qualities are similar at 63, 69 and 68 respectively, all scouted.

Besides giving something to think about the high salary increase has sealed the deal on not renewing this guy. Tec has a quality of 40 which just hinders his growth too much.


Ok, and for how long have they been in your team?


Players 1 and 2 for 173 days, which is from the start. Player 3 has been in the team for 29 days.


Can u please give the tags to these 3 players?


Might as well post everything else.

Player 1: hockey.powerplaym anager.... Def Off Sho Pas Tec Agr Exp
9 59 43 88 4 52 26 50 31 67 8 49 27 73 13

Player 2: hockey.powerplaym anager.... Def Off Sho Pas Tec Agr Exp
6 41 44 73 9 59 26 87 33 87 16 76 24 58 10

Player 3: hockey.powerplaym anager.... Def Off Sho Pas Tec Agr Exp
8 39 10 59 41 90 26 88 26 79 13 40 21 82 10


Or not, how to properly do that tag thingy?


Kees Kuhnert

Ferdi Borst

Marek Hutlas

click the first puck (underneath the space for posting, that one gives you player tag (put the ID in there) ;)




ok, i can't find an explanation to that. :D The team he came from was developed after yours. Lets stay at the factor that he is an forener, but it's anyway too mutch. :/


How can it be so much disc about that Q that all answers are in the guide.

Age. Foreign. Coming from a higher league, 3 is a higher league then 4. He is foreign. He is older. Cant take 30post to figure this out? :D

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