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  PowerPlay Magazín

Soccer Draft: Why are there more Cs and Ds than the Playboy Mansion?

Soccer Draft: Why are there more Cs and Ds than the Playboy Mansion?

We are beginning to see what the new draft system is like, large player pools and a twice-per-season commitment. First up is soccer, where we have yet to see a draft implemented. After the first few days of scouting there were many people claiming there was a bug since all they could find were C and D players. I spoke with PPM HQ about this and got the reason as to why that may be and will spend the remainder of this article getting everyone up to speed.
I asked for an official comment and was given the following by the PPM icon Vlady:
"For the new draft (which is only in soccer so far), we have changed ranges of letters B, C and D. A and A+ remain unchanged. The real qualities of players and likelihood of getting good players has not changed and remains the same. The reason for this change is to bring the description of each potential closer to the truth.
For example, the minimum requirement for a B-player has been increased which makes B-players less frequent, but more likely to be useful players that you can sign a contract with."

For those of you who prefer images to words I created the following graphic:

This is for qualitative purposes only and not to scale by any means. As you can see range that qualify as a C and D player has increased resulting in them being the most frequent to show up in scouting reports. The lower-C players are now D-players and the lower-B players are now C-players. The punchline here folks is simple: for the players we are after, the A+, A and B players, there will be tighter bounds and thus less variability in the stars and qualities observed within a given draft scouting report letter (excluding scouting accuracy).
I hope this puts some concerns at ease. I for one was able to find several Bs and an A so they are out there. Just get scouting everyone and don't get discouraged if all you find are Cs and Ds... afterall, most guys would be thrilled to have such!

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