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  Temat: I.1


This is good to know! I haven't yet been in that situation, but when it comes, hopefully I'll be ready.

Właściciel pakietu PRO USA Headhog

The point still were bidding on a player from another American team? Wether you thought you would win the bid or not......why even go there? It's tough enough with us losing American managers every year. Something like this just alienates another senior manager......that has been here from the start. If it is going to come down to a bidding war for each player from a USA team....from other American managers.....we are hurting any chances we have Internationally and especially within the USA community. I guess that I can only speak for myself......but I never bid on any of your players when you were coming up the ranks. I had plenty of cash and could have made your team mince meat with no veterans. What fun is that? I want you guys to get's what makes the game interesting. However, if that is the strategy you employee.....good luck.....but bear in mind that Karma can be a bitch.

Hope you stick this out Ziggy, would hate to see you go.



Ha I now no hard feeling. Hope he works out ok for you.


Like I said, I didn't even look at who owned the player before I won the bid. After this many seasons, searching for and bidding on players is so automatic that I often don't even look at any of their details. I pick the guy at the top of the list of search results, make a bid for current money - 300, close the tab and move on.

You're welcome to bid on my players - I would expect nothing less. At this point, there's only about three interesting decisions I even get to make any more: when to move a young player into the lineup, when to move an old player out, and whether or not to match a free agent bid. Usually that third decision is a no-brainer, but if you want to increase the number of times I actually have to stop and ponder, then have at it. ;)

Właściciel pakietu PRO USA TheDude27

Division 1 problems.


Oh no problems.


I posted about this same dilemma a while ago, bidding on players from American teams. I have found in order to be competitive in D1 I need to acquire players from other teams. Being that I only use American players (and staff) I find myself bidding on players from American teams frequently. I would rather get them off of other countries but that selection is normally limited.

In the end I have to do whats best for my team. If that means bidding on one of your players then that will happen. Like Zomg said, I expect others to bid on my FA. And I'll have to deal with that.

Right now I'm going through a stretch where a bunch of my guys are becoming FA and others are bidding on them. So its costing me and actually preventing me from bidding on others right now.

It sucks but the only way I can remain competitive is to bid on the best American FA.

Właściciel pakietu PRO USA Headhog

It was not an American player......


Yes he was Canadian. Which is almost.

Właściciel pakietu PRO USA Headhog

Good point eh.

Właściciel pakietu PRO USA capsaicin

I lost to the Razorback Thugs as expected, but I was lucky to somehow beat the Montana Miners and make the semifinals after placing a little lower than I had hoped in the regular season. I've only made the semifinals in I.1 once before, last season. I should have a chance to finish 3rd instead of 4th this time, though my roster might be too tired at this point.


You have done a very good job and good luck. My team has gone down hill do the loss of players to free agency. So I am going into rebuilding mode. Keep it up and good l suck again.


Miss type and was luck

Właściciel pakietu PRO USA capsaicin

Thanks and good luck with the rebuild!


I read it in Rob Schneider's voice from the Waterboy: "We suck again!" lol

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