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Właściciel pakietu PRO USA GopherJoe

For the teams who have top level staff and facilities, how regularly are you getting 4-5 star youth out of your academy? Just curious how much impact is has upgrading all the way to the top.

Właściciel pakietu PRO USA Headhog

Hey Gopher Joe,

I usually get one great pull per season. Then two or three 3.5~4's that are good, but usually have something that keeps them from being a, one important attribute for the position has a low training % (in the 50% range), 5/6 longevity, attributes spread out with an average of say 75%.

On a side note.....and you probably already know this.........but, in my opinion, there is no sense trying to rely on your youth pulls unless your training/regeneration are in good order. They will just fall behind more and more over time and reduce the value of a great pull.


Właściciel pakietu PRO USA capsaicin

The main benefit isn't so much the star value as it is the starting OR. You can get players starting at 350-500 OR.

Sometimes even with good star value, you end up with 5 CL (or dropping to 5 CL in a season or two). Some players might have good star value and really high qualities for goaltending, defense, and offense but at any one position be a bit disappointing.

I probably only get 1-2 4+ star players per season, with 4.5 and 5 being pretty rare. I get a good amount of 3-3.5 star players that are solid enough. A player with bad average quality can still be good if the bad qualities are in irrelevant areas (like a center with a quality of 10 on defense but 80+ for offense, shooting, passing, and technique).

One important consideration is when the player is pulled. A 400 OR player pulled at the end of the season will be a bit worse than a 300 OR player pulled early in the season.

Właściciel pakietu PRO USA GopherJoe

Thanks for the insight Headhog and Capsaicin!

Właściciel pakietu PRO USA Headhog

A great day for the Champions League and Cup Winners Cup teams. We won 3 out of 4 games and pushed the USA into the upper tier of teams....which allows us to have another two teams from the USA participate in these tourneys next year. Instead of raises it to 6 for next season. This provides great experience, money, and introduces more of our managers to playing in the two Tournaments. However, the four teams representing the US this year (Me, Michalovce Wild Hogs, Rockland Rage, and Momentum) need to continue to play well until the playoffs. Right now we are in! Keep on cooking guys and lets get back to having 6 teams from the USA represented at these tournaments!!!

If any of you are interested, go to the tournaments tab up top, then hit the countries tab. It will show you where each Country sits as of the day you look. You can switch in between Champions League and Cup Winners Cup standings.....and each teams results for the year. Choose the current season tab for total standings. There will be a line where the upper teams qualify for 6 teams next season......and any below only get 4. If we can keep up a decent win rate.....we will bring another 2 USA teams into next years Tournaments! Thanks to Michalovce/Rockland Rage/and Momentum for their hard work so far!!!!


Właściciel pakietu PRO USA GopherJoe

Great work everyone. Keep it up and good luck in the rest of the tournaments!

Właściciel pakietu PRO USA jerthebear

Great news!

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