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  Temat: Basketball Suggestions

Eliza Putkinalol

A few thoughts:

1. In soccer, I have 1 camp after the season and 1 camp during. I field 11 players and train 19 in the camp, even though my camp can hold more. It's no big loss IMHO, usually I only have 15 players that are worth training and 4 more who I know will be nothing but subs anyway. All in all, I manage to squeeze in 2 camps in soccer without a big impact on my team.

2. In Basketball, I don't even know why you are bringing up relegation matches. For one thing I don't think PPM should schedule all teams to please a handful that have to play relegation matches. And another point is whose fault is it that a team is in a relegation playoff? The answer is it's the manager's fault or just the talent level. As for teams that are trying for promotion, I don't think they'll complain about having to play a few games.

3. Before long, in 2 or so seasons, I expect to be in the same mode as soccer. Run a club with 20 players. Train 15, while playing 5. If I have to play in relegation/promotion, that just means my camp will spill into first few days of the next season. Not a big deal.

Właściciel pakietu PRO USA capsaicin

In the first paragraph, I was exploring the pros (due to roster limit problems) and cons (everyone has the same difficulties) of the suggestion.

1. I usually just run 2 camps during the season when I play 3 consecutive elite teams and/or dead/weak teams. I could do it like you do, but I choose to train more players and use the bad players for a few (either unwinnable or easily winnable) games unless I really need to win some of the games. My point in mentioning my soccer team was that basketball isn't unique with regard to roster limit problems.

2. I am addressing the original post in the context of the original post (I was not referring to the 14 games following the regular season but the final playoff - it seems that "relegation round" is used for this in the guide and the appropriate page though "relegation playoffs" would be more precise). The relegation round represents the case with the minimum time left for a camp which is arguably relevant to the discussion of whether there is enough time at the end of the season. I don't really care much either way about the rest. A valid argument can be made for either preference. My point here was also to point out that other sports are similar in regard to time for camps.

3. Me too, though I'd prefer to keep my roster at 15 so I don't end up paying extra in case I have 20 players and pull an excellent player. The penalty from selling players makes it difficult to sell players more than once a season (by the time the penalty goes away, I will probably have pulled at least three players worth selling, so I will end up not selling players for a season after selling those players). Of course, this is just a personal preference.

I don't actually mind running the camps during the season. I also think depth in a game like this is a good thing. The question is whether having to run the camp during the season adds quality depth or just a pointless complication (it's not realistic, though I don't value realism over game quality anyway). I suppose it adds an element of strategy while allowing more of the season to be dedicated to important games. On the other hand, I can see someone arguing that it doesn't add enough.

How tall do you think Beaudin will grow? He looks like one of the best prospect based on his OR relative to his age and his qualities, but it would not be ideal if he ended up at 201 cm as a PF. The other top prospect is also a PF with the same height at the same age.

Eliza Putkinalol

I think we mostly agree on this point:
It could be either different or the same and there are pros and cons for all of it. But all in all, it makes little to no difference. The managers just have to work with the system.

I will also add that I think the whole discussion is pointless. PPM has tuned all the training, growth and finance to a 70 day season. There is practically no chance that they will either shorten or lengthen the season.

I think Beaudin will end up at 205.
I may have to retrain him to a SF if he is under that mark.
Fortunately, his PF EQ is 84.64 and SF EQ is 84.27%.
So, really a just a tiny loss.


"In Basketball, I don't even know why you are bringing up relegation matches. For one thing I don't think PPM should schedule all teams to please a handful that have to play relegation matches. And another point is whose fault is it that a team is in a relegation playoff?"

Part of being in a relegation scenario is managing ones team. For example, last season, i had a season long plan, and even stated in the forum near the beginning of the season i would likely be a relegation team. It wasn't weak due to lack of managing, rather weak due to becoming stronger in areas i knew were more important, which contrastly put my team in that position, i wouldn't use the term "fault". Intentional? Ummm, no, but it was a realistic prediction. So this goes back to how i feel about camps and relegation, does it allow a fair amount of time for a weaker team that needs every bit of OR on the court to survive verses better teams with the OR that can survive regardless of a camp or not?

I agree with your assessment that it does involve more management interaction / decisions during the course of a season, but it's not, IMO, an equal handicap across the board. I feel i managed my team last season pretty well, all things considered. Ones success shouldn't be judged one seasons record, but that very W / L record is the determining factor that decides numerically a teams success..(Not saying u are judging, just abroad term).

Im ok with seeing things differently. Theres no right or wrong. And as you said, PPM isn't going to change it. My original point was to bring light to the fact teams fighting to maintain in relegation receive the least amount of support in terms of equal camp opportunities.

Właściciel pakietu PRO USA Agüeybaná

deas to Improve the game and make it faster and more interactive.
1. Creating a central bank
Either by country or by league. Every Team give a minimum % and smaller teams with facilities under level 10 can ask for money with no interest and and longer time to return money. Bigger team with Facilities 11 or over can ask for a bigger loan at a at a higher rate. This loan can only be apply to facilities or arena Not to by players.
2. The ability for the coaches of national teams to look for players as specific as we do in the market.
3. The last one is for the game to improve the level of rookies we get in the USA. We have the best players in real life 90% of the time and although this is a game, there should be some indication of that in the game.

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