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  Temat: Senior Canada National Team

Właściciel pakietu PRO Kanada Bobby Jay

What an absolutely wonderfully optomistic outlook for the new year ahead.! I too am a diehard fan of this
game.! As a member of the alleged clique, I have taken manager/assistant manager positions in all sports
to assure that our team managers are as much as possible from this country, even when it may not have
been convenient. I have never refused to help those who had questions about the game, and have many
times sent helpful information to newbies, sometimes picking them from the "just joined" list for no other
reason than a wish to keep this game alive .Manager postions are not by appointment, but rather by election
where the most qualified are more likely to win. I encourage those with less experience in the game
to seek help from those who are more seasoned. It will improve your game, limit decisioms that may not
work to your advantage, and increase your enjoyment of the game.
A happy and successful New Year to all.!!

Właściciel pakietu PRO Kanada paulroedb

No I am sorry that is not true. You have never done a Skipman and taken a new manager as your assistant. This game doesn't save the names of assistants but I notice the game and you haven't. The help you give them is long messages on the chat boards. You don't take them on as assistants and, rather than step down voluntarily to let someone else have a try, you criss-cross national teams as both GM AND assistant and run both the teams. The only time I have seen you really stand up for a new manager was that cross-dressing beauty queen who duped you when floating through the national team last year. And we was from Czech...

I respect your work with the senior national team. I named the U20 arena for the Silence Stealers for that. That's it. You and your friends have dominated the national teams for years now and have choked any hope out of new managers who even dreamed of running one.

It's called taking turns. You never learned that.


Właściciel pakietu PRO Kanada Boba Fett

Who is wanting to be assistant / gm of national teams that doesn't get a shot? It seems every year we don't have enough managers to run the teams, so not sure what your complaints are about.

Our U20 team currently has no manager as Crease Monkeys folded and didn't have an assistant. Looks like anyone who wanted could have been assistant there.

Właściciel pakietu PRO Kanada SamuelCarrier

It is not the first time Roedb shows up with aggressive, biased and skewed point of views to demonize others.

I am the worst because I took a different strategy than him. I decided to sell older players when they became too expensive, take steps back when necessary in order to let my young players to develop to come back to competition a few seasons later. Today, I am learning that this is somehow taking advantage of the game. As if trying your best to catch up to teams that started 10 seasons before me was unethical. Weird point of view.

When I was GM of a NT (and I don't mean this season, because I never hid the fact I didn't have time to GM this year and would only take the title to avoid the empty team), I took Edmonton Wellcappers as my AGM in the same way that Melissa from Hardware Snakes took me on as AGM to give me an experience. It was a very pleasant experience. We had a good collaboration for some seasons. He decided he didn't want to run for GM afterwards, that he enjoyed being AGM more.

I am well past trying to please Roedb. I hope you are not that paranoid with everyone around you. Have a good life sir.

Właściciel pakietu PRO Kanada Bobby Jay

Absolutely.! The opportunities are there every season in some sport. It is a shame that more managers don't run for the national teams or even seek the assistants jobs. Fortunately, we have "clique" members who will step up to fill the vacancies. After rereading some past posts, I have come to the conclusion that paulroedb may be a socialist T-ball player who feels that every player should be allowed to play every position every game.? At the same time, he expounds that experience should be the main criteria in the voting process. Implementation of both is not a realistic option.! I further suspect that many of his observations are intended solely to instigate discussions where he can then take an adversarial position. Many of his assertions are truly "fake news" intended to provoke a response. Beware.!!

Właściciel pakietu PRO Kanada paulroedb

Someone doesn't read well. I was talking about the new people in the game. Not your circle of friends. We know the incestuous relationships that were formed over the years - that was the point of the message years ago and why it still resonates today.

Yes, I know there is a slot open for the U20 team. I said that last week. We have three national teams, and the other two are run by the same person, as they have for many seasons now. If the PPM game allowed two assistant managers, I am pretty sure there would only be one. It's kind of like the western media system. So many newspapers and news stations! Sadly run by the same few corporate entities.

I realize you don't know that the new players sometimes DID run for office. But the PPM game DOES save the voting results, and I invite you to go visit the graveyard of GM's that tried and got one or two votes and gave up. Running for office. Playing the game. I am sure no one else realizes this cause no one ever checked the results, with the winner a foregone conclusion.

As for the Canadian national team - gee that's too bad. I guess that Estonia team was a harder nut than you expected. Not to worry though - from our new depths of play, I am sure that you will keep us informed of your glorious rise back to Division 1. But if you look across to the very bottom of U20 hockey, you will see someone waving at you. And that's me. Welcome to the bowels of the PPM!

Właściciel pakietu PRO Kanada paulroedb

The sad truth of this game is that it is built for hardcore. The you and the me. It isn't built for new players. There is nothing major wrong with the FA system, or the lack of updates, or whatever else people keep whining about. The problem is waiting to be competitive. The best the hardcore GM's can do is preach about building a triple-multi stand and waiting THREE months while their team loses 18-1. "Sell your only decent players to ME" cause he'll never be competitive (see Shipman knows the game.. ) and wait, wait, wait. Then you'll be mediocre. Do you understand psychology? Why the &$@/ would a new GM do that? The only level playing field, that could possibly addict a new player, is the national team. And that's an old boys' club. Go find another hockey engine, and they did.

Właściciel pakietu PRO Kanada Bobby Jay

And there we have it. More unsubstantiated babblespeak from saint paulroedb. Unresearched, unrehearsed, unhappy, and and unbelievable in it's length and breadth of topics. There seems to be no light at the end of the proverbial tunnel of complaints for such a troubled soul.! May you one day find a lasting peace.!!

Właściciel pakietu PRO Kanada paulroedb

ok I will be concise - the fat child in the corner who doesn't share any of the toys: I have a problem with that.

Właściciel pakietu PRO Kanada SamuelCarrier

At least that is a good way to bring activity back to the forums. Not sure however how great that is for keeping the game enjoyable and keeping it afloat in Canada.

I have known for a long time that you do not believe in building your team the same way as me. Before now, I did not think however that you were such a purist that any method not your own was instantaneously wrong. Thanks for telling me how I should play the game if I was hardcore. For the record, I don't mind the way you play the game, even though I believe you could have achieved better results by not going all-in at all times and by taking a side step at times to regroup. Because I believe the point of the game is to become the best team in Canada, or among the head group and not to fill the middle ranks continuously. You believe something different. It's hardcore (it really is, no sarcasm), but it wouldn't be enjoyable to me. It's great if it is to you. You can look down at me if it makes you feel great. It's a game. Whatever reason anyone has to play it is Kocher in my opinion. If your reason to play is to look down at non-hardcore players, that works too.

Clearly, I don't appreciate the way you discuss or the way you interpret each word in their most negative possible meaning. I don't really understand why you developed that feeling in the first place (now there has been enough back and forth to understand, I am talking of years ago), but I have grown accustomed to it and do not plan on wasting energy on it. I am gonna try to do a better job staying away from you in order to not trigger those conflicts anymore.

Właściciel pakietu PRO Kanada paulroedb

PPM Guide (the other guide) - (Kind of like the guide to how to beat the UI system in Canada and get the government to pay you to sit on your ass.)

3 Rules

1. (And most importantly) Max out arena and facilities. If this seems to take too long you are *&^%ed cause the national team is off limits to people like you.

2. Play the game. Try to develop your club. You eventually will arrive at 9-10 in the top division, and there you will stay. Your free agents become targets. Especially to rich enemies who don't like you. You get middling top division money. Annoyingly, you can't get draft picks, since the first draft is a lottery amongst teams with maxed facilities (usually most to all), so you have a 5+% of the top pick. The second draft is based on standings, so you get a middle pick. You draft nothing season after season. With the FA drain, your financial resources go down and down. That's life, you play the game.

3. Use the system (this refers to the message and the GM above). Sell off your veterans and best players, and make as much money as you can. Overhead largely disappears. Use a bit of the money to pick up 15 year-old's with CL 6 and high average qualities. If the CL doesn't hold then just sell them. Let your team slide to the bottom of the standings. You could, at this point, try to win some games, but that just means staying at the bottom, losing a lot, but still getting a year-end draft pick. It's okay, but not really clever. Best is to let your team fall to the next lower division. (The less scrupulous here will say they tried to stay up. But no one is fooled. At least the Europeans, who a lot of them do this, say what it is. Here in Canada, we just listen to the Alex the Actors preach...) Here, you will party. The sponsorship money takes a hit for sure. But now you can beat the &%$# out of Div. 2 teams with your younger guys, on high intensity, to build up experience. You get a shiny trophy for your showcase if you are a Propacker. Most importantly, you likely get the top pick at the first draft since other teams are building, and since a lot of new managers don't pay attention to the draft you might well get an A player at the end of the season. It's just great! The only downside to this is that you have to wait a year of real time to get back to anywhere big time competitive, but probably it will be well worth the wait.

So, when Junior Harvey's demands come back tomorrow, I will finally join the flock and follow. But at the very least I have the balls to say what I am doing. Not standing on some illusionary high ground preaching.

When someone tells you they got rich through hard work, ask them "Whose?"

Właściciel pakietu PRO Kanada paulroedb

Now I assume that most find my posts offensive, and I certainly don't want to get kicked off the game by the censors. Try to understand that it is all perspective. You don't like me/what I say then that is fine. Try to understand that I am not looking forward to someone gloating that next season we (perhaps) exact revenge on that tricky Estonia team that pulled us into the cellar. Or, worse yet, the attempts to make us believe that a blood feud has developed with eternal powerhouse Bosnia and Herzegovina. Different things make different people sick, that's all...

Właściciel pakietu PRO Kanada SamuelCarrier

Where did you pull that "guide" from? I have never read it before. Apart from your highly cynical commentary, there is still good advice in this.

Właściciel pakietu PRO Kanada paulroedb

Hahahaha!!! That's hilarious! Didn't someone up above the forum call me "Saint Roedb"? You act like you don't know your own play book...that's too funny!

Właściciel pakietu PRO Kanada paulroedb

At last our duo-national hockey boss gets red in the face and sputters insults when you tell him the truth about his behaviour. Others just put on halos and look sweet.

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