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  Temat: Youth Pull


Skasowany przez moderatora Outsider626.


I dont really rely on SA I grab young guns off of the market with high AQs and am trying to train them

I have a couple old guys but they are for selling later to get money to buy younger guys


I don't know if you care or not but your team will take much longer to be successful if you continue to build your facilities in the same fashion you are currently. Check out how I.1 teams develop their facilities as guide.


Finally, after years of pulling average players, I get a proper superstar. (unscouted, technique looks low, but whatever). Let me introduce, Ty Shorter


looks great, problem is that technique is fundamental to be high, well assuming he is an offensive player.

I never pulled player better than average.

Właściciel pakietu PRO USA capsaicin

He looks like he should be a starter 3 years from now. It's just a matter of whether he has good enough qualities to break onto the team as a 17 year old and and be a star player as an 18 year old. Even with mediocre qualities, he should hit at worst 800 OR (probably closer to 900 or more) by the time he turns 18.


put him in the team now ;) by the time he becomes the star (18 yo) he would already be very experienced.


I'm going to scout him first but yeah, I'm thinking of putting him on the 4th line right away.


Any challenges




nice. wish I had the facilities to do him justice in training.


Today my 3rd goalie (out of 3) went down with a long term injury. I have my starter in training camp for a few more days, and when he came out, I was going to put him and my 2nd goalie in camp again (and run with the 3rd stringer for a week).

I see the injury first... then with a sigh, I run my sports academy pull for the week. Unlike handball, I've come to not expect anything at all from my SA in hockey, even though it's decent at level 11. At the top of my 3 selections was a 4.5 star goalie with an overall rating of 277. Right now he's almost better than the 3rd string guy I've been training for 5 months, and his unscouted qualities (99 Goa, 68 Pas, 90 Tec) look like he'll actually be better than my starter in a few years.

I love random, unexpected strokes of luck. ;) Now if only I could have some of that in handball, where I actually care haha.


Sorry... Forgot to link the player. Steve Milligan

Cory Martin

Apparently at absolute most, I can only get a top quality pull every 2 seasons. I present Sanford Scruggs . Screenie of scouted Qs for proof: . Goaltending 92, Offense 99, Shooting 70, Passing 99, Technique 99. Shame he's set to start as a center. What is it with these young kids? They think all the glory is in offense. Great goaltenders get the glory too! Of course it can make you crack a bit and start talking to the pipes...


Just sell him.

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