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  Temat: Youth Pull

Właściciel pakietu PRO USA capsaicin

And the 320 guy is a bust while the 280 guy has a quality of 96+ in defense technique and shooting but 60-70 in passing and aggressiveness - basically good enough not to terminate.


dont think any of my players will quality but imported my "best" 15yo boys.


52/49/65/81/59/54/60 Not even a 1 star in my books...


That's the 4 star player you were talking about? Wow. I knew that the HR/staff affected the star ratings, but I didn't think it would be that bad.

You should probably pull every player to scout em just in case you have a gem;)

Cory Martin

Gabe Herndon

My A player from the draft came through with 88 Def, 81 Sho, 99 Pas, 66 Tec, and 65 Agr. Really PPM? He's on the market if anyone wants a decent defensive prospect. I wouldn't call him an A prospect, but he's decent.


I just got 2 good players from the draft and a REALLY bad player with like 40 Avg Q but still manages to have 60+ for the necessary Q's and I am going to put them on market when scouted.


I'm pretty annoyed with myself. I was in camp when I pulled the players, and completely forgot to switch my sporting directors back to my "youth" ones.

I had 2 As and 2 Bs drafted, and only 1 of them is looking like he might be usable. I'm absolutely kicking myself right now.

That's a mistake that I will remember on the front of my mind once we get into the less regular, "more important" bi-seasonal drafts.

Cory Martin

John Jones

Off 80, Sho 90, Pas 81, Tec 85


Henry Rainey
(youth pull from last week)
Fully scouted:
OR 202 AVQ 83
Atty Q's are:
Def 99, Pas 90, Agr 91.
(Tec 61, Sho 51)



Oh, I forgot. Age 15, C/L 6/6.

(How do you post links to players, etc.? I was gone so long I forgot all that stuff.)

Właściciel pakietu PRO USA capsaicin

He has some good qualities and can be a good player for you, but he won't sell for a ton or make a national team with optimal training.

He has a good EQ around 85.2 (assuming that he is built as a defensive defenseman) and good CL, but the OR is really low so that he is similar to a player with 300 OR and lower EQ. I've been buying prospects in soccer, and it seems that even players with good parameters (relative to in the past) aren't selling for much if they have even one flaw, including low or even average OR (at this point, maybe 350+ OR would be decent and 450+ OR would be elite).

To post a link, clink on "Special Tags" on the bottom of the text box. A menu will appear. Click on the second icon on the right on the top row (if you however over each icon in the top row, it should provide a description). [hockey_player=id] will be post into the text box after clicking. Delete the "id" part of the text and replace it with the number at the end of the URL on a player's page (or the equivalent for one of the other icons).


I personally wouldn't keep him, I'll take a player with one low training stat but not two since he'll at best most likely be a fill in player when injuries occur or during training camps.

There have been quite a few really nice trainable players on the market going really cheap so I wouldn't put too much effort into one that isn't going to be a regular on the lines. Here's a couple of players I picked up on the market last season for an example.

Pavel Pidrman - Paid $185k
Universal 5/6
AQ's Off-95, Sho-96, Tec-74, Agr-88

Marcel Póór - Paid $1.6m
Universal 5/6
AQ's Def-88, Sho-80, Pas-72, Tec-84, Arg-84

Charles Holland - Paid $1.3m
Universal 5/6
AQ's Off-98, Sho-93, Tec-89, Arg-89

I don't really watch the market much but I picked up the first two on the same day and the third player a week before that.

Właściciel pakietu PRO USA capsaicin

He could be good for your team depending on how he compares to your other players, but it is true that decent players (who have one or two flaws) can be purchased relatively cheaply on the market if you look for a while.


I'm hoping to get SEVERAL, A-rated, 6/6 CL players from the coming draft.

I've got 4 of them scouted, and there's only 1 other active team in my league (all the others died this season). The remaining team has rather poor facilities, so I'd imagine that the chances of him cannibalizing my picks are pretty low.

Anyways... Just thought I'd post a heads up. I know my SA isn't the best in the world, but at LVL 13, I might get a guy or two that are worth a look for the youth national teams (assuming I were to sell them to a team with a better TF).


How did the draft end up going anyways? I pulled a nice 86% LW

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