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  Temat: Team Canada Hockey

Ten wątek został zamknięty i nie ma możliwości pisania w nim.


I think the Training Boost IS very important.


I wouldn't really know. I had a prospect make the team late last season but he never got called up, so I don't know what the boost is.

In any event, it would be better if the training boost went to sure-to-be national team players rather than 15 yr olds who may suffer injuries and rapid CL drops.

Osoba blisko związana z zespołem PPM canucks357

Training boost especially since it would be one day a week (prospects don't generally play in WHC) would be sooooo small. Perhaps 0.5/week for 10 weeks if and only if he is always called up. Hardly a major boost over a whole season considering 112 days. It would take forever for that boost to help catch the current NT stars... like Emile ;)


If experience has taught me anything, you need a wealth of players at the final selection phase... Because then you can see whose used up the most energy and can pick your final players accordingly.

I remember my first year I got burned by Correy Cox who had 46 Energy by the time the WCH came around. I didn't notice until it was too late.


That would be best. Having a U-18 would be interesting to watch since you would have only three years to make it a good players. With all the randomness around the Academy, it would give every nation a chance to win which isn't the case right now.


hey guys, i'm not completely "back", but i have an hour or two right now, so i'll try to answer and discuss all the posts mentioned in this forum

to be honest, i think your posts are getting a tad bit offensive. i'll stop "ignoring" you and start answering in chronological order.
Lol are you..
yes i am serious. there isn't a program that tells us which player is better than which others. it's all subjective. i did admit that godley isn't much better than your prospect, and you still have to bring it up. two reasons why i chose godley over yours is because godley is already 16 years old, and his cl is at 6 still. i don't know what'll happen hickey next season. i'm not a god, i'm just a person trying to do my job. i'm not perfect and i never claimed i was, so get that off your brain. being 16 and having 6 cl seems to have a longer career than being 15 with 6 cl because if 15 does drop to 5 cl when he's 16, do i even need to explain this? oh yea, not to mention, godley's shot potential is better than hickey's. and yes, i do have the final say. if you're so great, you should run for the position next season? genius

people in between:
it's a difficult call really.. both of them are top notch prospect. it's all personal preference i guess

Thanks for those..
no my decision was not a mistake, but again, i'm a human, and we all make decisions. for some, the decision that one makes might seem like a mistake, but for others, it could seem perfectly normal

I have been..
thanks for the apology!

Well the 50..
excuse me? i did not ignore you? few pages back, i clearly stated that i will be away form the game? i'm sorry that i had this exam that i had to write, which was worth 50% of my final grade. i'm sorry i had to get my high school graduation things all sorted out. i'm sorry not everyone submitted their top players, so i had to go check individual teams' and players' links and compare them with a whole loads of numbers in this seat for about 5 hours when i should have been studying for my final. i'm sorry i was trying to have a social life for once, for the first time since december, now that i graduated. i'm sorry i take priority on my real life over this game that i play on internet. you know what? i can't do everything at once, and unfortunately, i wanted to make sure that i got all my graduation stuff sorted out, instead of ignoring an important moment of my life, and spending more time on this game. understood? as for me setting the first 50 instead of leaving some room, that was a mistake. i should've kept spots open.. especially for the universal defense, and the right defense positions. those two are the positions i didn't spend as much time on as other players. after 5 hours of looking at numbers and thousands of touch pad clicks though, i just couldn't keep my sanity and somehow thought that i had to make a 50 men roster by the deadline. obviously, i didn't so you really don't have to point it out

Wow dude, you're..
i agree

thanks, that would..
i beg your pardon? are you calling me dishonest? i did admit godley isn't much better than hickey already on my first reply to you, didn't i? i think you're mixing justifying my reasoning with lying. thank you very much

Anthony Lee/charredmonkey/TheChad:
thanks guys (:

He can have..
i was online for 5 minutes just to check my game results, and so that i won't lose my manager exp. i just didn't hit log out, so that's why you thought i was on even if i wasn't

I agree with..
yea, it is only a small boost.. if they even get called up in the first place. that's why i made more room for actual roster and depth players

Yin, the reason..

exactly, it's not like these prospects are going to get playing time anyways. and what really matters is if they'll even make the team as a roster player. thank god we had a discussion on this already haha :D

I see this..
none so far i think.. but we have to remember that our core joined the team at such a young age that the "prospects" didn't really have a chance to catch up. this is why i reduced the prospects' spots on the team

From where I..
yes perhaps. it's debatable, and i don't have a definite answer to be completely honest, but it's a good question to raise :P

Thanks for your..
it wasn't done the best it could've been done, but try it yourself. go win the election next season, and sit in front of pages of number and try to determine which players are better than which others, while having to sort out your personal matters. remember that not all the managers have same builds, and that half of them don't even submit anyways. but i'm sure with your superior reasoning, you'll be able to pick the right players so that no one is questioning or complaining. seriously, this is subjective. there is no magic formula to figure out which is better than which. it's normal for people to question the decision, so just stick with the answer perhaps? instead of calling me a liar? i'm not claiming that i'm better than you. doesn't mean you're better than i am. i just made decisions that made sense to me, and it made sense to some people, but clearly not all. player decision is subjective, okay? if you still want to complain, go make a formula that everyone on ppm world can agree to first, or just live with what's happened

Cheetarian should have..
haha, i actually mentioned this on the national forum that disappeared :P


Don't worry Mullings, The stars are aligned just right. They might align just the correct way for next season. ;)

Osoba blisko związana z zespołem PPM canucks357

Wow. That's a Stan7777 style novel!


I don't follow...


you're right, I'm sorry


happy canada day.


I figured out how biznow has so many posts.

Osoba blisko związana z zespołem PPM canucks357

Hahaha yuuuuuuuup

Osoba blisko związana z zespołem PPM canucks357

Lineup is set for tomorrow's game against France. Lineup is geared towards building chemistry (the 28 lowest chem players who weren't injured or at camp were selected). What will be on the ice tomorrow is a mish-mash of said players having some players seeing their first ever action in a NT jersey.


good game against france considering half of our guys weren't regulars. we even had the offensive zone advantage actually, so with our regulars/noah/more shooting training, we're looking good i think

thanks canucks357 for setting up the lineups/callups in such a hurry

for those who wants to be the next assistant and to prepare for the next game against brazil, feel free to tell me (:

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