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  Temat: Team Canada Hockey

Ten wątek został zamknięty i nie ma możliwości pisania w nim.


I think all players should come from the top 5 teams in I.1 league HAHAHA.


Saltyanchovy mentioned in his post revealing this year's team that he wouldn't be available to answer our questions until July 1st due to personal reasons. He's not ignoring anyone, he's just not around to answer questions at the moment.


Salty said he's busy this next week or two. He isn't ignoring you, just focusing on the real world as opposed to this one.

Give him some time and he'll get back to you.


Damn, I didn't read page 12 before making my comment. I guess my post was redundant.


He can have all the time in the world.
I didn't ask about Parlour because he mentioned he'd go unnecessarily high on shooting, and I respect his decision on that.
But I just can't get past the fact he tried to defend that 16 years old versus the 15.
If it's by performance right now then fine, the 16 year old would most likely always have at least the 30 OR advantage. But if it's by prospect, I just don't see how it's possible given his "reason".

I only reposted because I saw him online some hours ago.
But of course, it could just be a figment of my imagination.

Osoba blisko związana z zespołem PPM canucks357

I agree with TMO. Prospects aren't that important really, considering it's a small boost and they tend to be there one season and gone the next - no real consistency. What we need more of, IMO, are players who are on the bubble wise but have excellent career paths and are young with good Qs and good facilities. Those are the guys we need to slowly work their NT chem up for future seasons.


Yin, the reason is because of CL paths if I am correct.

At 15, you can't accurately predict a CL path, but if they drop CL in their first year, they are on a bad path and will drop CL rapidly. Since the other player is 16 and still 6/6 CL, they have a better chance of being on a good CL path.

That's my reasoning.

canucks knows more about CL paths.



seriously, all this talk for a little flag beside your players name? I've got Pannebaker who hasnt being picked despite being 16yo 6/6 CL and more than 100 OR over Godley and 140 over Hickey.

But what's more important is that if these guys can keep a good CL path,They're are all going to be important part of team Canada someday and that's all that matters, really.


I see this whole prospect thing as weird too, since how many "prospects" have come and made Team Canada as older players?


From where I am sitting, the whole prospect feature is nothing more than a means to garner interest from teams who haven't been around as long as others and whose players have no chance of being useful to team Canada for many years to come despite their great qualities. It has the merit of getting more people involved but results with roster spots taken by players that have no business being on the team.

Seeing as it is very difficult to predict a players longevity until said player has had a c/l drop it may be advisable for future seasons to establish a minimum age of 18 for team Canada players. An 18 year old with a perfect c/l will get one of the longest career paths while it is impossible to accurately predict what kind of career a 15 year old starting with perfect longevity will get. It would make it easier to determine who has long term potential for team Canada and who would be a flash in the pan.


Thanks for your inputs nonetheless guys.
But the fact of the matter is that there is a "prospect" pool. And if there is going to be such a pool, it should be done right. In my opinion, that has not been the case.
After all this though, I have to wonder how many people would literally laugh out loud if Hickey goes to 5/6 after this season...


Don't worry. This will probably be the last year for prospects on the NT anyways! So don't get to blustered over it. :)


Strippers should have their own NT team.


Cheetarian should have their own NT team... It's ridiculous... BTW, I can't wait for the Juniors / Seniors World Cups to start... That way we can separate the prospects out from the old guys.


Agreed. Fully. The idea of adding prospects ought to be for the purpose of building up their chemistry, not for the popularity boost and the possible training boost if they are called up just to be scratched.

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