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  Assunto: National Team Players


A mensagem foi aprovada pelo moderador.
As we will have national teams next season I think we all need to come together as a community if we want the national side to have any chance of success. I'm referring here mainly to player stats. Obviously whoever gets the NT manager position will not be able to see the stats of potential NT players, so how will he know who to choose?
Managers can send the NT manager the stats of their good players for consideration easily enough via in-game message, but from my previous experience with other similar games and their national team element, there will be a lot of players that won't get noticed without a bit of research from the NT manager and his assistants.
What I am proposing is that the community chip in by searching and posting them here, players whose overall rating could make them candidates for the national side. The community can then share the responsibility for scouting these players for the NT manager. The more people help with this process, the more players will get scouted and therefore the NT manager will have the best possible chance of choosing the best team of players available to him.

We are in the unfortunate position of not having as many managers as other nations so our pool of top players will be significantly less than those more populated countries. So anything we can do to try and give us an edge should be explore, in my opinion.

Does anyone else have anything to add or suggest with regard to the NT?

Obviously I am in the running for the NT manager position and as much as I want to win the election, I am by no means guaranteed the job. I am simply trying to set the ball rolling on the NT process to help whoever does win the election. I know other nations will be doing this also, so it makes sense for us to follow suit so we're not already behind when it all kicks off!

Also, if anyone has any NT experience from either soccer or ice hockey, I'd be interested to hear from you regarding what to expect if I do win the election.



A mensagem foi aprovada pelo moderador.
It appears there have been some people working hard to make the whole NT scene easier for all managers.

All it requires is team managers to follow the instructions on the following site. This will upload the stats of your player(s) to the database which will make your player's stats available to see ONLY to your country's manager.
Plus it only takes a minute to do!

If we can get all British teams to upload their players, the NT manager will have all the player stats available in one place, this making the job of choosing a team much easier.

The site is:

Beddington Park

A mensagem foi aprovada pelo moderador.
Hey Ross, Uploaded Brighton. Best wishes, Nigel


handball.powerplaymanager... here is other one player who can help nat team


Hello, guys, nice to see this thread in your forum. I want to help you next season with the NT so this thread will be very helpful if you will post new and interesting players. Good luck everyone of you!


I would like to change your National Team to better
My speech: handball.powerplaymanager...


can i ask why Vince Preece was kick out form NT? XD


I am the new NT manager.The NT from last season had 3 goalkeepers,4 pivots (3 attacking,1 defending),20 backs (13 attacking,7 defensive) and only 3 wingers (1 attacking,2 defending),Im very sorry for your loss but he was taken out of the NT so there can be space for new pivots and wingers.In the national team I left 7 attacking backs and they are better than Vince Preece and have better abillty to train.


Martin Ludlam is a great player for your U21 NT.

Rygel XVI

Alex Charnock U21 could use him


Hayden Leach is a great player for your U19 NT

Usuário PRO República Tcheca rmasa

On the market - two team players for representation U19.

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