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I've noticed that I never outscore my opponent on the power play. The powerplay is pretty much useless from what I've seen.
The team down a man actually scores more. Kind of ridiculous. Now when I watch games, I cheer when my team gets a 2min penalty.
Hahahaha. I have no idea how I won today. Played low against normal/very high and still came out on top. My goalie shat the bed for a couple of weeks, now came back in a very big way.
Yeah, 20 saves will do it. My opponents goalie today had a sv% of 10. Don't know why he didn't have him set to switch.
biznow is a PPM wizard... the PPM gods love the banana hammock soccer unis.
As it stands though, I should be able to afford my next TF by the time 6 is done if I don't spend anymore. Decisions decisions.
look at those magpies go... *waits for their downfall*
If by wizard you mean I have had a slender wand bestowed upon me, then you sir are correct. The heft in the banana hammocks is merely overcompensation. I assure you, anything supernatural going on is the result of Jaromir Sedin.
And just like that I'm given the 2nd-best player in our league @ 200 OR. Sadly his future is crap outside of a couple months, but, he'll help solidify my weakest position in the near-term.
It happens frequently in soccer. When a team loses a player, they often score after because it creates more space for the players. But a long term, the players get tired quicker and then lost the game.
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