Skybox - 5* 345,173 per week????
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For international comparisons:
My contracts
Contract Value: 130 406 176
Weekly value: 8,150,386
Contract Value: 7,279,520
Weekly value: 454 970
My contracts
Contract Value: 130 406 176
Weekly value: 8,150,386
Contract Value: 7,279,520
Weekly value: 454 970
4 star GS
Contract worth: 110,911,936
Weekly donation: 6,931,996
1 star TV
Contract worth: 8,080,720
Weekly donation: 505,045
Contract worth: 110,911,936
Weekly donation: 6,931,996
1 star TV
Contract worth: 8,080,720
Weekly donation: 505,045
Contract worth: 80,886,624
Weekly donation: 5,055,414
5 star- accepted
rejected 3 star 6 mil tv
Weekly donation: 5,055,414
5 star- accepted
rejected 3 star 6 mil tv
I invested a few mil into better managers and it paid off. I got 5star worth just shy of double what I got last season (12m/weak) but it's still shy of what Leggy had 2 seasons ago! I took my 4star TV offer too
4* Gen Spon. nearly identical to last season, $7.2m/week. I guess thats the best I can hope for. Better than the season I got four 1* offers in a row, that was fun.
4* general 20,107,218 a week; up 2 million from last year's 5*
5* TV worth 4,368,968 a week; up about 500k from last year's 5*
rejected a 2* skybox deal worth 339k a week; down 6k from last year's 5*
5* TV worth 4,368,968 a week; up about 500k from last year's 5*
rejected a 2* skybox deal worth 339k a week; down 6k from last year's 5*
That's sick. I get 80M per season from my GS. You get that in a month. My TV is under 12M per. You get more in 3 weeks.
I hate you
I hate you
That is prolly what all of III.13 and III.14 make a year. Youd have to be stupid if you ever lose the nation championship.Congrats hard work does pay off
Rejected a 1 star sponsor for $1M less than I make this season(4 star) and a 3 star TV that was 1M more than my 3star.
Accepted my 5* luxury box offer that is paying me less than my 1* last year. WTF?
Accepted my 5* luxury box offer that is paying me less than my 1* last year. WTF?
I have done that in the past. Sometimes it worked out (4*) and sometimes it did not (1*)
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