"Ei tea kas unustas, või tegi seda meelega"
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Äkki seepärast, et madalamates liigades on seis viigist meeskondade vahel? Minu teada peaks nii olema
Avastyasin just erakordse stabiilsuse. Ilmselt tulen ka sellel hooajal põhihooaja lõpuks 5. kohale. Arvake ära, kes on sellisel juhul viimased 8 hooaega põhihooaja 5 olnud? Tehke järgi! Õnneks on meeskonnas asjad kõvasti paranenud. Mitu hooaega vaakusin pankroti piiril, aga paaril viimasel olen saanud hakata ka halli ehitama. Samuti on omakasvandikud hakkanud vanadelt peerudelt, keda kunagi kokku ostsin, kohti üle võtma ja mänguaega saama. Seega loodan tulevikus 4. koha peale pretendeerida.
Arvan küll et suudad ka kõrgeimatele kohtadele konkurentsi pakkuda Peaks Eesti rekordiraamatu selliste saavutuste põhjal kokku panema
Tere, minu nimi on Mikelson ja kandideerin teie vanemate koondiste eest. Kui tunnete vajadust muutuste järele, andke mulle hääle.
Tänu M.
Hi, my name is Mikelson and I am running for your senior national team. If you feel the need for change, give me a vote.
Thanks M.
Tänu M.
Hi, my name is Mikelson and I am running for your senior national team. If you feel the need for change, give me a vote.
Thanks M.
Hi evrybody! Tere kõigile!
I am a hungarian maneger, and I decided to apply for the national coach of U20 your national team ! I have 3 seasons experiencies, and I won my first title in this season, My basic principle is to step forward from season to season, of course I need your help too, together we could reach big succes! Thanks for the votes!
Come on Estonia! Mine seda Eesti!
I am a hungarian maneger, and I decided to apply for the national coach of U20 your national team ! I have 3 seasons experiencies, and I won my first title in this season, My basic principle is to step forward from season to season, of course I need your help too, together we could reach big succes! Thanks for the votes!
Come on Estonia! Mine seda Eesti!
Hello guys, I m looking for a goalie, U16 for next gene repre, if you have solid one, pls write me. Thank you
I would like to ask you for support in my candidacy for coach of the Estonian national team under 18, with preferential votes here HC Lvi Praha . In case of successful elections, I offer mutual cooperation and the post of national team assistant.
Thanks for support
I would like to ask you for support in my candidacy for coach of the Estonian national team under 18, with preferential votes here HC Lvi Praha . In case of successful elections, I offer mutual cooperation and the post of national team assistant.
Thanks for support
Hello guys,
yesterday I f***ed the 3rd periód, sry for that...im really disapointed :/
Now it s time to focus on the last match, finish the 3rd in our group, and looking forward for the next season...we can start today, I think that crucial for repre future is draft a goalie...so I would like to please you, draft today a goalie - maybe in the final rounds and then sell him, but we need him
Thanks guys
yesterday I f***ed the 3rd periód, sry for that...im really disapointed :/
Now it s time to focus on the last match, finish the 3rd in our group, and looking forward for the next season...we can start today, I think that crucial for repre future is draft a goalie...so I would like to please you, draft today a goalie - maybe in the final rounds and then sell him, but we need him
Thanks guys
Please support me in Estona U-18 national hockey team manager elections
Please support me in Estona U-18 national hockey team manager elections
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