Pilih negara: | Slovakia |
..škoda, bronz by potešil, ale posledné 2 zápasy ukázali, že 15 minút pred koncom odišli chlapci kondične
Nevadi, mozno budu casom zdrave krumple hodnotnejsie ako kov Malo by nam to otvorit viac oci a kazdy by mal urobit viac pre vychovu hracov pre repre.
Hello everyone, I introduce myself, my name is Fernando and first of all I want to thank dismember for being the architect so that I can help Namahs in the sub19, thanks also to him for receiving me in his selection and Pedro francesco with whom we are also in contact. I hope to be of help so that the results expected by all are achieved.
We are more than welcome the recommendations of players, with Namahs we are looking for players and putting to continue to form a very competitive squad.
It would also be a great help if they get good players or crack promises to let them know that they already enter the players' portfolio and we do not run the risk of losing them.
We mainly look for defensive players (especially extremes and central / lateral ones), since today is what more would be needed.
I send greetings to all and thank you for making me feel at home.
We are more than welcome the recommendations of players, with Namahs we are looking for players and putting to continue to form a very competitive squad.
It would also be a great help if they get good players or crack promises to let them know that they already enter the players' portfolio and we do not run the risk of losing them.
We mainly look for defensive players (especially extremes and central / lateral ones), since today is what more would be needed.
I send greetings to all and thank you for making me feel at home.
Hello, how are you ?, I wanted to tell you that with Namahs we keep tracking and looking for players to finish closing the players called. After some friendly we see the strengths and weaknesses of the team. Clearly our weak point is the defensive line. On the side of the goal we are fine, just like the offensive positions that we are better comparing with the defense. We found 2 defensive ends but they are young and there we need some spare parts that we can not find until now. On the other hand in defensive posts we are weak, also those that are in the squad are very young, little experience and VG.
If any of the community has players to recommend or remember transfers of good projects that have been done would be helpful to let us know, especially defensive lñaterales central, while we will continue in the search and follow-ups.
Greetings to all and have a great day!
If any of the community has players to recommend or remember transfers of good projects that have been done would be helpful to let us know, especially defensive lñaterales central, while we will continue in the search and follow-ups.
Greetings to all and have a great day!
...Ďakujem všetkým, ktorí mi prejavili dôveru tým, že mi dali hlas. Aj keď na PPM-ku som už nejakých pár rôčkov, čiže sú aj nejaké tie skúsenosti, nesľubujem, že idem vyhrať MS a neviem čo...Pre mňa je to niečo nové, nevyskúšané, ale prvý krok je za mnou, verím, že po ňom prídu aj ďalšie... kam dokráčame /s drobcekSP/ uvidíme, ale určite sa bude snažiť...
...ďakujeme za gratulácie, ale boli by sme radšej keby to bolo takto po zajtrajšom finále s českom...striebro už máme, je to asi pekný úspech... do semifinále sa dostali 3 /my, srbi a maďari/ zo 4 mužstiev z našej základnej skupiny...už postúp cez silných lotyšov vo štvťfinále bol úspech, bolo to príjemné prekvapenie...no a dnešné semifinále, opäť nečakaná radosť...
...takže skúste držať palce zajtra vo finále, uvidíme ako to dopadne...
...takže skúste držať palce zajtra vo finále, uvidíme ako to dopadne...
..tak paráda, prehrávať polčas o 4, záver zápasu o 3 góly a v predĺžení otočiť, super práca
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