Pilih negara: | Denmark |
Efter en sejr imod Sverige idag er missionen meget enkel. Vind imod Kroatien (enten i overtiden eller i ordinær tid) og undgå nedrykning. Tab og vi må ned en tur I. div.
Rigtig god debut fra Lasse Sjødahl idag!
Rigtig god debut fra Lasse Sjødahl idag!
Kære danske community. Vi klarede nedrykningsspillet og bliver i den bedste division endnu en sæson. Ikke det mest spændende VM, men godkendt efter min mening. Det var jo en fornøjelse at banke svenskerne i det mindste
Jeg aftalte med mig selv inden dette VM at det ville blive mit sidste i spidsen for senior landsholdet i denne omgang med mindre vi rykkede ned (man forlader ikke en synkende skude).
Ikke den mest spændende afsked resultatmæssigt, men jeg er da glad for at vi er blevet oppe i top divisionen i samtlige af mine sæsoner som landstræner. Nu må der være en anden der vil tage over. Tak for støtten igennem hele perioden
Jeg aftalte med mig selv inden dette VM at det ville blive mit sidste i spidsen for senior landsholdet i denne omgang med mindre vi rykkede ned (man forlader ikke en synkende skude).
Ikke den mest spændende afsked resultatmæssigt, men jeg er da glad for at vi er blevet oppe i top divisionen i samtlige af mine sæsoner som landstræner. Nu må der være en anden der vil tage over. Tak for støtten igennem hele perioden
Please Update your best swiss players <18 years in the database at:
Dear Danish community. I acn already see the team for next season in my Excel. We won't have such strong team as this season and that is why it is so disappointing to finish in quarter final this season. Would be much nicer to loose to Czech republic in final...
Nicolaus Vindelboe and Oleg Bonne are our goalies for next season, the third one should be Laurs Pallesen and let's all hope he won't have to play.
I wish you the best picks from youth aacdemy in first 2-3 weeks so that we have good lineups in future.
Nicolaus Vindelboe and Oleg Bonne are our goalies for next season, the third one should be Laurs Pallesen and let's all hope he won't have to play.
I wish you the best picks from youth aacdemy in first 2-3 weeks so that we have good lineups in future.
Today we play the first friendly this season. I do not have enoigh time to write here the lineups, but some general coments:
Left wings are disaster, we have one great, 4 remaining would not play in my original team.
Centers are better than last season.
Right wings and defense is slightly better than season ago.
Goalies are worse, we have only one 20 years old goalie and I asked his manager to help with training, hope he gets back.
Left wings are disaster, we have one great, 4 remaining would not play in my original team.
Centers are better than last season.
Right wings and defense is slightly better than season ago.
Goalies are worse, we have only one 20 years old goalie and I asked his manager to help with training, hope he gets back.
To ensure both goalies have chemistry 100%, Bonne will play left wing in most matches. Best players are out of roaster as they have good chemistry from last season playing U20.
I expect losses in first two matches, but maybe it is worth it. Better now then during WC.
I expect losses in first two matches, but maybe it is worth it. Better now then during WC.
How is that possible???? Why did not your best U19 golaie played at all last season in U18?Oleg Bonne
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