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  Темата: Less Random in PPM Please


the randomicity of games in PPM is inacreditable...10/10 shots agains 1/1 who wins???? we dont know becouse the random is huge, 1 have lost 1/3 games whit same case of this with player much better the my oponents,

- my foward example: 1 gol in 18 matches, in the match 19....5 goals??? wtf??? was acumulated???

- penalty decision = total random, doesn metters if one team is barcelona and the othe is Castellon B...

- in the National Cups the random is X2....

- Youth academy= Totaly random.....or so much luck
(have a team with 2 Top 10 Players) and they academy was 2 levels ago...now have 1 after,

where is the planning??
Less Ramdom Please :)

1-Wiliam bc


I Agree

Притежател на PRO пакет Бразилия jorgenius

I agree


Less Ramdom Please!!!
1-Wiliam bc


Less Ramdom Please!!!
1-Wiliam bc


They are working on the engine, so we can expect less 'random'. Anyway, I've been playing sports managers for ages, and don't find it here excessively annoying, comparatively.

What I 'hate' the most is clearly the Sports Academy. The Manual claims:

"The level of sports academy and its staff not only influences the number of players coming out but also their overall rating. On the other hand the average quality of these players is independent from the level of facilities and sporting directors."

So does this mean the quality of the attributes is absolutely random, while the value of them is influenced by level and staff?

Damn! It should be on the contrary! Quality is much more important, for a player to get trained and become a star or an average guy, in a medium/long-term! Isn't it?


in fact the sports academy is random at all, have 52% of youth training and no player ever came up to 286 g, and several people with less efficiency and lower gym that I've won many players with much larger ag. The game is all there is nothing random in the game that is not, and this story that are improving the game engine is so there is no better then I did not invent another game to launch a completely before putting the soccer


they will work in the engine or in the handball???

we are in season 4....what we can spect in the nexts seasons??

that is the point


It's in the news, they are developing a new engine, so i see no point to keep complaining about an issue they are already working on.


I agree.


and the promotion Bonus in soccer will be a mistake ... will be more actratible bein regalated and promoted.... and unfair with the 5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14 teams


I think that is a good thing because, otherwise, new players won't have a chance against elder once.

Притежател на PRO пакет Швеция Arvut

I agree.

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