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Very nice! You've got a solid HR, too. You should already be making good money, but that's certainly going to help.
OH yeah! I've been waiting years (literally) for this, so it is definitely going to be on the list of things I appreciate. I've been trying to buy players on the market to compete in D2, but they were taking too much money away from my arena sooo... yeah. In a season I can start growing players as I buy correct staff and actually go somewhere! Yay!
I know no one posts here but it was a great league this year very competitive until the end, I made a few friends. congrats to Dynomo it was great series I wish you luck in league 1 I also wish I scored 2 more goals lol. and i am looking forward to next season with you guys.
I feel like I am not in the correct league, your teams are very strong. It's going to be a long season!
No. You can only sell your player's on the open market.
thanks.........I guess that's to keep the multi team cheaters honest
It seems in games there are very few defensive takeaways.......does this change as players improve or just remain as it is
when training a player does anything influence the rate of training.....besides it is better to train a player in shooting if his ab number is high in that attribute than in offense if his ab number is low in that attribute.........what I'm asking is if a player has a low ab number in a certain attribute is it still worthwhile to train him in that area or not
If I have an offensive player and their ab in offense and shooting are below 70 I get rid of them it takes to long to train them.
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