For the past one week, I have been using the same set of players to prosecute all my matches becauce my cursor just doesn't highlight the players for me to make changes or chnge my formation.
it's been quite frustrating and I'm thinking of closing my Account.[manager=id][soccer_team=id]
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I answered this for eggan in email, but for anyone else having a similar problem...
That's the new system. They changed it on Tuesday or Wednesday, I believe. It's now drag & drop instead of point & click. Put the little directional cross on the subs shirt, click and hold the button and drag it to the position you want him to play.
Link to the news:
That's the new system. They changed it on Tuesday or Wednesday, I believe. It's now drag & drop instead of point & click. Put the little directional cross on the subs shirt, click and hold the button and drag it to the position you want him to play.
Link to the news:
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