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Just thought I'd share this in wide world as it found to be popular and useful in estonia. You can find the calculators here:
Nice! Sharing with the Spanish community...
Are you planning to make a calculator with open formulas? It would be great!
Are you planning to make a calculator with open formulas? It would be great!
Formulas when you can choose the ratios, instead of the 100-70-50-30 or 10-75-50-25 you currently provide
I am afraid I cant do it, because I dont know how yet. But, I can create more different calculators based on popular formulas.
Feel free to suggest what formula it should be
Feel free to suggest what formula it should be
The current ones are fine for me. But I know some Spanish managers that use other ratios, so I'll let you know if they have any suggestion
meybe you could at least fix that midfielders should have some shooting too... i train 50% of main skill.
Shooting is a "special" skill... The higher the better, no matter the position of the player nor the main skill, so no real need of a formula.
Obviously, it's more useful for those positions shooting more: CF and, then, LF/RF...
Obviously, it's more useful for those positions shooting more: CF and, then, LF/RF...
then why does it have formula for forwards in shooting? it's special skill, the higher the better
Maybe because some people only train shooting for forwards...
because for strikers its important, for others not so much.
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