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All of the teams who have been abandoned had all of their 250+OR players on the market at the same time. They all ended within seconds of each other. Thousands of players. You could get very good players for very little money. I picked up 15 players between 250 & 300 OR for less than 1.5M total. And one of those players cost over a million. So it was 14 players for maybe 250K. I could sell each one of those for at least 2M. That's an easy 30M for doing nothing.
That ruins the game for me, so I'm getting rid of them. I put in the work to build my team how I want it and getting these players like this makes all of that work pointless.
That ruins the game for me, so I'm getting rid of them. I put in the work to build my team how I want it and getting these players like this makes all of that work pointless.
I think it's after this update is finished. Maybe a little after 1pm eastern? But I'm pretty sure you're playing the [hockey_team=25664].
Sadly, he got caught up in it. And to be honest, if I had known/seen my first reaction would have been the same. Jump in and grab as many as you can. But, I would be going through the same agony that he is now. I hate exploits, but sometimes you just get caught up in it.
My only suggestion, don't penalize yourself for a flaw in the game. Clearly not your fault all those players were up on the same second, anyone who was lucky enough to come across that would have done the same thing.
But unlike many he doesn't wish to exploit a flaw in the system. Especially because he worked so hard to get his team where it is legitimately.
Yeah, I get that... I'm just saying, don't hurt your team because of this... it's not the individual transactions, it's the overall impact on the game's short term economy.
On a lighter note, I won the 3rd place placement game and an extra 400k! I think the beast had to drop to normal to prevent a walkout.
I'm going to wait for players to age and the market to stabilize before I start buying. It will probably cost me though.
I'm not really penalizing my team. I took out a loan to take part in the frenzy and that has messed up my plans a bit. I wanted to wait until next season to get the bigger loans. That's the only thing that hurts right now, but I guess I can repay that pretty quickly. It'll cost me more to fire most of them than I paid for them, but I'll keep enough around to cover everything.
id keep them all and sell them when you can get them balanced out if possible. Don't kill yourself over it, the blame is not yours for taking advantage of a good situation, but that of the devs for allowing it to occur.
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