Je créé ce topic pour nos amis des équipes nationales étrangères qui souhaitent poster leurs annonces de recherche de joueurs et/ou critères de sélection.
This topic is for foreign national team managers searching for players and/or posting criterias.
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Francia |
Hello everyone!
Romanian national team is looking for new players. If you have any romanian player with skills 120/60/60, for his given position, please contact me on private message.
If this message is not posted in correct forum section, please deleted and repost it in correct topic.
Romanian national team is looking for new players. If you have any romanian player with skills 120/60/60, for his given position, please contact me on private message.
If this message is not posted in correct forum section, please deleted and repost it in correct topic.
please can you make upload all your UK players which you think they have potention for UK national team? This is website where you can do it. It's very easy to upload your players. And how to do it? Just click on the link: and there you will see what and how to do it
Thank you
Michael alias MisoTH
please can you make upload all your UK players which you think they have potention for UK national team? This is website where you can do it. It's very easy to upload your players. And how to do it? Just click on the link: and there you will see what and how to do it

Thank you
Michael alias MisoTH
We can't because your uploader don't process with french language.
je vois pas ou est le problème... Il suffit de mettre la page de ton joueur en anglais...
Je l'utilise pour mes 2 tchèques, il faut juste mettre pendant 5 minutes dans les paramètres "english" ou lieu de "français" et ça mache
Plus simple encore, je remplace dans le navigateur le texte "/fr/joueur." par celui "/en/player." et le tour est joué en 3 secondes

non ,mais par contre il ne savaent pas faire leur marché seuls ,se sont des tchéques sans provisions donc

oui mais leurs messages sont tjs en debut de page parce que les Tcheques postent haut
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