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  Тема: Draft

Владелец PRO пакета США capsaicin

While the level 15 SA does increase the average starting OR of the players drafted, it sounds reasonable that the number of players should increase for that range.

Agreed that the number of players that can be scouted per day should be based on the HR Department. The sports academy is sufficiently valuable even without this added function while scouting is worthless unless you are scouting for a national team. The effect of scouting on the accuracy of scouting in the draft doesn't seem very large to me. I've drafted A's in sports where I had nearly perfect scouting that turned out mediocre.

Though it's not likely they will change the draft again, they sometimes revisit sports. For instance, the tactics chemistry addition to tactics is only about two seasons old in hockey.


yeah... I noticed the scouting difference somewhat before... but not much recently. I think they might've "tweaked" it (nerfed it). For instance... I got Ted Keenan at the end of the 1st round in the "pre-season 5" (technically end of season 4) draft.

11 other teams drafted before me, and none (i'd imagine) had him scouted as an "A" as I did... or they would've picked him before I had the chance with the 12th pick.

Since then, I've noticed a lot LESS disparity between teams' scouting. The players that I scout as "A" players with my level 12 HR Dept. are the same players that teams with level 10 HR Dept's seem to have scouted as "A" players.

That's somewhat a shame to me. Because like you said, the HR Dept.'s scouting piece could use the bump in viability.


Quick question regarding the draft... this is something I've been thinking about for some time now, but have never asked.

If all else is equal, how are the draft orders determined in the mid-season drafts?

IE... in leagues or sports where there's 10 teams in a division (or more) with level 15 SAs and 2 level 100 Youth Sporting Directors, how does the draft prioritize them?

This is something that's bugged me for a little while now... because I'd be PISSED if I had a level 15 SA and I drafted 12th or something just because there's a bunch of other teams that have level 15 SAs too.

It's even more important if there's a division with very large disparity because you can move up (or down) a maximum of 3 places in the draft.

Say there's a division with 4 teams that have level 15 SAs, and no other team has higher than a level 10 SA. If you have one of the level 15 SAs, but the system gives you the "4th position" before the lottery, you could be drafting 7th (behind teams that have SIGNIFICANTLY worse sporting academies).

Do I have this wrong?

Does anyone know what is the "tiebreaker" for teams that have the same SA level and Youth Sporting Director level? Or is it just a random thing?

Владелец PRO пакета США capsaicin

I have no clue what the tiebreaker is, but I am drafting 11th in soccer with a level 15 sports academy and 99% youth training efficiency. I guess I should have bought a sporting director with 3 more youth training OR for the draft.


That's freaking crazy.

Makes the mid-season draft just that much more arbitrary I suppose.

I still wish the draft were different / better implemented. I still say having a single, huge draft at the end of the season is the way to go. Double the number of players in it. Double the number of HIGH quality players in it. Then, "smooth out" the scouting effectiveness more. Make actual differences between EACH facility level, rather than lumping teams into "brackets" (where level 13 is no different than level 15).

There's so many good reasons to do that... and if the mid-season draft is really THAT broken (as you describe), it's pretty much just a random draw anyways (no different than what the weekly player pulls are).


I have level 15 academy in Soccer and 100% youth training efficiency and I always draft in the middle during the 1st draft. It seems to me that the top dogs always get the 1st picks even though they are only better in OTR.


hmmm. that would suggest that there IS some sort of tie breaker (assuming tied facility and youth sporting director levels). Because if it were randomized when all else is equal (which is how I assumed they probably did it), it'd be statistically unlikely that you'd see the same teams drafting in the same positions again and again.

I guess they could use OTR as a tiebreaker ... but that just seems like an odd tiebreaker to use in this instance.


Gets A+ star player...Immediately gets 2 injuries on him -_____-

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