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Only if there is a league regrouping and you have a high enough OTR, otherwise you will have to wait until next season to promote.


It's possible that if there's a league regrouping, teams from division III might get thrown into division II. But if you stay in division III for another season, it's probably not a horrible fate. It'll give you time to continue to build.


Yeah I'm kind of hoping I stay in III. Dominate next season. Build my faculties and arena then move on to II.


Can someone please tell me how Tibor Gavorník is over 1400 OR?

I'd love to know how that happens when his team ([handball_team=3156]) has a Level 12 Sports Academy, a Level 14 Training Facility, and a Level 12 Regen Facility.

Tibor Gavorník either started out with massively high OR (like 600 OR @ 15 y/o) or he trained like absolute gangbusters. I find both scenarios pretty unlikely given the team's facility levels (especially when considering what they might have been 7 seasons ago when the guy was pulled).

I mean... compare him to some of the guys [handball_team=16057] and [handball_team=15886] have pulled and trained up. Emus and Mojo have consistently had some of the best facilities in the U.S. and likely have had significantly better facilities than [handball_team=3156] during the time period in question, yet none of their guys are even close to that high.

This is incredibly frustrating to me. Particularly since I took on the responsibilities of the U19 National Team.

It's like the deck is unfairly stacked against us. There's absolutely no reasonable explanation for that guy to have that high an OR.


FIP 77 , SHO 96 , Tec 93 , SPe 97
Lots of players in that range as well :sigh:

Plus I think there were some issues back then with players coming in with higher stats than they should have. A theory of mine.


Why the hell does the auction limit your bids in the last couple of minutes?

You can bid anything you want for a player any other time, but for some reason, you can only double the previous bid when the auction is coming to a close?

That's the stupidest thing I've ever seen.

I just lost an auction prematurely because the f*cking system wouldn't let me submit my bid (which perhaps most annoyingly was only $20,000 "too high";)

Владелец PRO пакета США capsaicin

I've been unable to bid for more than double well in advance of the approach of the deadline, at least in hockey. Sometimes I've wanted to bid really high early on to prevent more teams from saving the player to their recent bids page and to generally make it less likely that a manager will make a casual bid. The limit has prevented me from doing this.

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I think the limit is imposed once the current bid surpasses some threshold, probably 1,000,000 or so.

I can't bid more than 5,000,000 on Jakob Gmeiner who is currently going for 2,500,000 with 120:47:55 left.

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I believe the intent (there was a post about the addition of this feature - possibly at the same time the market scout was introduced) was to attempt to curtail cheating by redistributing funds via market transfers. Perhaps it is also meant to encourage use of the market scout credit feature.

Владелец PRO пакета США capsaicin

*I should have mentioned the market agent instead of the market scout.


They made a change many years ago that after the first 1,000,000, the max bid can only be double the current bid. That rule applies throughout the entirety of the auction, not just the last couple of minutes.

I liked the old system better where you could bid whatever you want, but given that it's been this way for something like 5 years now, I doubt it will change. The fact that you just now noticed it is surprising, but I suppose you never tried to quickly get a bid up to what the price "should" be rather than dick around for 15 minutes, slowly raising the price by the minimum each time.


Huh. Thanks guys.

Yeah... I guess I'd just never bumped into it before.

Whatever reasons they might've added the "feature," it's pretty annoying.

Clearly it's not something that I do often, but to not be able to do it in specific instances because of net nanny is f*cking obnoxious.

But I guess that's the libertarian in me.


Doesn't anyone know REALLY REALLY bad tactics. Like the worst you can play. I need to lose a bunch of games to sink to position 3. And I play a lot of dead teams. AND I NEED to lose!!! Help me!


Play your worst players. Aggressive so they foul a lot very low energy 321 dfense with slow attacks. Dont fill out your captain and only select your 1 worst shooter for the 7m shot. In fact go on the market and find any player you can with 250 OR or lower. Any of your players will probably be too good and win no matter what.

Владелец PRO пакета США capsaicin

In addition to Mrbrightside098's suggestions, you should play all of your players in the wrong position. For instance, make your pivot your goaltender. Don't switch goaltenders. Maybe try playing 3-2-1 with slow transition. Make your pivot position (not filled by an actual pivot) the focus of your shooting and make sure a really bad player fills the position. Make sure you take a timeout as soon as possible.

I'm not sure all of this will be enough to lose to dead teams, but it will give you a chance. The best thing to do would be to spend 70,000 on the very worst players on the market.

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