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  Тема: oldest player


what is missing here, in my opinion is a "send a purchase offer" to a team. So that when a team with great facilities see a youg promissing in a lower team he/she could make an offer. Because of that missing feature, many great prospects never have a chance to fully develop.


Just email them. And then they can put him up for sale at the price agreed to. This is already happening. I was just talking with a friend in the Slovenian leagues about this exact situation.


yeah bu not all people speak the same language ..
would be easier to have an "offer" button and counter offer, accept or deny button on the other side.


Well, as seasons go by and players progress, this game will become much more realistic. In time, 20-21 year olds wont be starters in the best teams (unless they're absolute monsters in CL and Qs) b/c they won't be good enough to go against 25-29 year olds (as is the case in real life)


I would have loved this! I have a player, Nathaniel Bond, and I've had him since I was a noob, and never sold him because I wanted to develop him myself... Problem is that by 17 I figured out I should sell him bc I couldnt train him as well as teams with much better TFs could, and I still have him because by the time I realized this, it was too late and I cou;dnt get the amount of money I wanted to get for him... He could be in the U-20 USA team today if he'd trained at a better facility and I could have a lot more money. Anyways, they should definitely add that feature... That would take scouting to a whole new level!!

Another one I've thought for a long time they should add is loans... Say, youre a very good team (i.e. Chelsea), and you have a very promising young goalkeeper (say, Courtois), but you still have on goal an older vet who is still your starter and one of the best in the world... What do you do with Courtois??... SEND HIM ON LOAN TO GAIN EXPERIENCE!! This is such an obvious thing that I'm surprised they missed it, or haven't implemented yet!


The problem with this is what if the person you agreed to sell the player doesn't bid on him once you put him on the market, and then he's too expensive and no one else does and you get stuck with the fee?... For weaker/newer teams this fee can be very tough, and all because someone said they'd pay 30 Mill for your amazing youth pull, you get stuck with a 1.5M fee

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Another problem occurs if they pay for the player but then fail to actually play the player or possibly quit the game.

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In hockey, this player was on my team back when I was in III.1. He is now 33 and played for a total of 14 seasons before retiring.



The easy remedy to this is that that offer becomes the opening bid once the player officially hits the market. That way the team selling the player is guaranteed at least that much money (minus the fee).


But then you have to trust the person youre selling them yo wont screw you over and bid the minimum


If they're offering you $10,000, you wouldn't have to accept. but if they offer you $10 million and you accept, that $10 million becomes the opening bid and therefore the lowest amount you could receive.


Yes, I know but here are the two scenarios:
1) You agree to sell the player for $30M and you send him to the market for a starting bid of $30M... The person you were selling him to backs out and does not bid and then no one else does and you get stuck with the $1.5M fee which is a lot to teams in lower divisions.

2) You agree to sell the player for $30M and you send him to the market for a starting bid of $10,000 to prevent from getting stuck with the 1.5M fee, and the person you were selling him to screws you over and buys him for less than the 30M...


My point is, that person would be locked in. Once he makes the offer, he is at your mercy. If you accept, the bid is placed for him, automatically, then others can place higher bids if they choose.

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