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  Temat: Next Sport


You cant honestly say that you dont care about the economics of the game because when its all said and done thats what drives the evolution, development and creation of the other sports. However I agree that handball shouldn't have been chosen.

Also I don't see how they could have gone wrong with F1, Basketball, or tennis, granted all three sports are already widely made but there isnt a site that brings multiple sports together thatare all widely played. If you offer a package like that you will draw people in from other sites that want something new and when they see that you offer the same sport plus two others they will switch over, creating more users as well as keeping the old ones.

Handball is pretty much nonexistant in the USA so I might be totally wrong here but are true Handball fans the same people that really enjoy Soccer and Hockey?


About the economic part, I meant about being a factor in the game election... Since I don't know about the economic of the game, I don't see how creating handball or any other sport will make a diference in the economics of the game, other than if Basket (for example) brings more users than handball it means that is more likely that basket brings more pro packs users than handball...

Other than that, I don't know how the new sport will afect the economic of theg game, because I don't know the economical situation of the game...


Well, handball is popular in France, Germany, Spain, Scandinavia, Central/Eastern Europe, Russia, Northern Africa. They are not exactly the sames than hockey, even if some are commons.

Sure there are more registered players on basket and F1 (not in tennis), and I first thought they would developpe the games depending on the number of registered managers. Seemed the more logical. But they chose handball, so the only explication I have is that there are very few handball games. Let's compare on onlinesportmanagers:

Handball: www.onlinesportma nagers.... www.onlinesportmanagers.c...


I think that Handball is a nice sport...
But I prefer Tennis


In general terms, the cradle of the sports popularity is in Europe, with Scandinavia, the Balkan countries, Russia, Germany, France, Spain.and Algeria.Maroc.Tunisia.Egypt... being the countries where the sport has the greatest popularity. In several of those countries Handball is the 2nd most popular team sport after soccer..
but no idea why it's not popular in the USA


Well, each country has its own sports. Baseball is very popular in USA and Japan, but very few people know the rules in Europe. Handball is the opposite...


I guess in Europe this may be popular, so I understand this. Here in the Philippines the local game is Cockfighting. Any chance in the future we will have Powerplaymanger chicken fights? Imagine owning and developing your own stable of ninja roosters!

Just joking of course. Good luck guys. I hope your game goes over well in Europe.


On a pragmatic side, as a former long time resident of Canada, I can give you a specific reason for the failure of handball in North America. Its void has been completely filled by the popularity of lacrosse.

North American lacrosse doesnt grab the headlines of the major newswires. The fact remains though its professional league draws about 10000 fans per game. In the summer, many recreational leagues fill the empty hockey arenas throughout the continent.

So again, good luck developers, if handball is as passionate in Europe for its fans as Lacrosse is in North America, you just may have a winner.


Haha, yeah box lax. Its unfortunatly a canadian thing and hasn't caught on like field has in the US. As much as I want to play box there's no hockey rinks in my part of the country. I can definatly see that being the case though.


Your right Kam. Left out field lacrosse. Great game, tough just like box. Like you,the guys I knew had respect for each others game. That said I think handball would be viewed like field hockey, a game played by girls during gym class :-)


can you give me an answer by the beginning date of handball? thanks


Hopefully next winter, on BETA...


As Steelhawk said, North America has so many other sports and variations of them filling the void of recreational level sport that its just impossible for it to really catch on. We're much closer to developing Lax codes and rugby 7's (the latter sprouting from it being added to the Olympics and the excess of American football players).

As for handball itself, I actually played it when I was like 10 in Gym class once and I can almost guarantee no one remembers playing that game.


Haha same thing about playing it in gym. It was pretty fun but I cant remember ever hearing about or playing it again.

Właściciel pakietu PRO Niemcy Blackhawks32

PLEASE add American Football to the sports...

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